View Full Version : 2.0.4. Firmware - anyone still have it?

Justin Benn
August 4th, 2010, 04:40 AM

I just got a pair of 5D Mark 2s which are great. They have 2.0.7. firmware but I would like to try 2.0.4. and Magic Lantern too. Does anyone still have a copy of the Mac OSX 2.0.4. firmware downloader that they could email me? Would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help, Justin.

Chris Barcellos
August 4th, 2010, 09:22 AM
I have the PC version, if you want to try to get to a PC. Send me a PM.

Wayne Avanson
August 4th, 2010, 10:39 AM
I have the Mac version if you want to PM me.

Justin Benn
August 4th, 2010, 11:11 AM
Let's try that then. PM coming!


Justin Benn
August 4th, 2010, 03:53 PM
Thanks all. Got it!

Great community - much appreciated.
