View Full Version : IS there any reason there are no CF adapters for the EX1/EX3?

Steve Pond
August 3rd, 2010, 03:55 PM
I'm curious... Is there a reason the adapters made for the EX1/EX3 cameras only use SD cards and not CF cards? They have a higher storage capacity, better transfer rates, and they're reasonably priced. Perhaps they're out there, but I haven't seen one. Just curious why the SD adapters are so readily available and seemingly there are no CF adapters.

Hiram Yates
August 3rd, 2010, 04:46 PM
CF Cards are wider then the SxS slot...

CF Cards are 46x36mm and Express Cards are 34mm wide...

Giroud Francois
August 4th, 2010, 12:34 AM
and the card interface is VERY different. the SD card is more clever than the CF

Steve Pond
August 5th, 2010, 10:35 AM
Fair enough. I didn't even considering the dimensions. I imagined that SXS card was large enough that a CF could be used. I'll just put on my dunce cap and go sit in the corner for a while for asking a stupid question. ;o)

Olof Ekbergh
August 5th, 2010, 10:51 AM

A really good accessory for the EXcams is the NanoFlash. It records 4:2:2 and up to 280mb/sec. I use 100mb/sec instead of the 4:2:0 and 35mb/sec that is recorded on SxS.

Your clients may not need this increased quality as the EX codec at 35 is really very good.

But it records on CF cards. I use 2 64GB Delkins in the NanoFlash and that gives me 7 hrs plus recording time at 100mb/s for under $600.00. And you can record to the SxS cards at the same time for great redundancy on important single camera shoots. Though I have never had an issue with either NF or SxS. It just makes you more comfortable.

Just a thought.

Andy Wilkinson
August 5th, 2010, 11:02 AM
"2 64GB Delkins in the NanoFlash and that gives me 7 hrs plus recording time at 100mb/s for under $600.00"

Olof, is that price for the Nanoflash correct? I thought they were a lot more than that, e.g.

Paul Dalpe
August 5th, 2010, 11:26 AM
Andy, I'm sure the 600.00 is the cost of the two 64G CF cards. I believe the Nanoflash is about three grand.


Olof Ekbergh
August 5th, 2010, 01:29 PM
Andy I am sorry to confuse you, the NF is about $3,000.00. I was just talking about the media.

But if you need 28 hrs of media, it just about pays for itself compared to SxS. And you get a big boost in quality.

Personally I take the approach Sony has, SD cards are for emergency use only. I have 5 16GB SD cards, but I only use them if I run out of SxS media, in the field.

Now that I use the NF I never use the SD cards any more, I still bring them along as a last resort.

Gints Klimanis
August 6th, 2010, 12:43 PM
Olof, I still use the SDHC cards wto record SxS ith the EX1 and Nanoflash. My Nano failed mysteriously during the setup portion of my latest shoot and hasn't functioned since.

Olof Ekbergh
August 7th, 2010, 07:19 AM
Gints are you saying you use HDSD cards in the NanoFlash (I know you can get an adapter)? I don't think that is reccomended.

I am sure Convergent Design will fix your NF. Is it completely dead, no screen at all? Then it may be the power cable.

Unfortunately anything made by man can and will fail at some point.