Rob Harlan
August 2nd, 2010, 07:56 AM
I've found the library of presets here for the XH-A1s. I can enter all the values of each preset manually into the camera, which would of course take quite a while.
Having never used an SD card before, how do I go about getting information from my computer onto the SD card? My computer does not seem to have any built-in slots for taking SD cards.
Probably a silly question I know, but I take it I need a USB SD Card Reader/Writer? My local store seems to sell SD Card Readers... but do I need a specific Reader/Writer device to allow my computer to put the presets information onto it for transferring to the camera?
Phil Murray
August 2nd, 2010, 08:55 AM
Any SD card reader should work. (They all should write as well, but it will say so on the package.)
The "XH Custom Presets Download Library" sticky topic thread at the top of this section has information on how to do it.
I only use a handful of presets that I entered manually, so I've not done it through the SD card. I'm sure there are plenty of folks who would be glad to help if you have a problem with the process.
Allan Black
August 2nd, 2010, 05:13 PM
Because I only wanted 5 and wanted to have a list of each of the settings to adjust them, I entered them by hand. (Do it very carefully it's easy to make trouble)
With the A1 I wrote their titles on a slip of paper and taped it to the end of the battery. The A1s displays the titles on the LCD.
On Custom Key 2 you could set up the 'CP backward key', so you don't have to keep stepping forward through all the presets each time. On the A1s Custom Key 1, I set the Image Stabilizer. Hope this helps.
Les Wilson
August 2nd, 2010, 06:03 PM
do I need a specific Reader/Writer device to allow my computer to put the presets information onto it for transferring to the camera?
You need to buy a card reader for the type of card in your camera. Look in the manual in the section called Specifications, subsection Memory Card. If the A1s is like the A1, it's SDHC. Like any computer peripheral, make sure it works for the version of Windows you use or Mac OS X that you use and that it supports the type of card you use.
Look in your manual in the section about "Activating the Custom Preset Settings. Follow the instructions in subsection "Copying a Custom Preset File to the Memory Card. This will make sure your card has the right folder structure on it (I'd tell you what it is except my camera is not here).
Put the card in the computer and copy your downloaded preset onto the card in the same place the camera put the stored preset.
Follow the instructions in the subsection Loading a Custom Preset File from the Memory Card.
As a matter choosing custom presets, I take the True Color approach where I use the True Color preset to record the footage as accurately as possible to the True Color then make artistic, grading etc changes in post. Search for True Color preset for the XH-A1 to find it.
David Stembridge
August 2nd, 2010, 07:21 PM
On Custom Key 2 you could set up the 'CP backward key', so you don't have to keep stepping forward through all the presets each time. On the A1s Custom Key 1, I set the Image Stabilizer. Hope this helps.
Cool, I didn't know you could do this... ! Thanks for the tip!