View Full Version : Yellow light white balance

Peter Rush
July 30th, 2010, 02:37 AM
Hi all - ok I should know this but it's eluding me!!! - I've just filmed a few weddings in a country club (possibly might become a regular gig) but they have these strong yellow lights in the wedding room which cover everything in a rich yellow cast.

Manually white balancing makes everything look blue so I'm left to fix everything in post!

Anyone have any tips to get this right in the camera (I use a Sony Z1 anf FX1)

Thanks in advance - this is making me feel like a beginner!!!!


Philip Howells
July 30th, 2010, 03:59 AM
Peter, two points. If you're trying to kid your clients that the lights were actually white then you're attempting the very difficult. If the lights are yellow that's the way things look.

Secondly, old cameraman's trick. Make up a ring-binder of different coloured A4 sheets and half and half pages including white, greys, greens and blues. Use the page that gives you the results you want - because it's the same page you can then balance each camera the same, provided always that the same coloured light at the same intensity is falling on the sheet in front of each camera. Best to do the balance before setting the cameras.