View Full Version : What to choose: 17-55 vs TM700 vs SDT750

Tans Mark
July 29th, 2010, 01:31 PM

I usually takes photos and videos at events as a hobby. I am using sony hc5 and canon 7d + 18-55 IS lens. I am experienced in using 7d and hc5, so I know what to expect from a vdslr and a camcorder, too.

I will visit another event next weekend, and I want to find out what update is needed for me.

I am reading dvinfo and tons of other video and photo forums and review sites, so I know all the specs, I have seen all the samples, so lets say i am informed.

I was sure about that I will buy a panasonic tm700 next week, but as panasonic introduced the sdt750, everything is confused for me.

Let see what I know:

- 7d with 18-55 gives sharper and more detailed videos than a hc5 (as I have compared them)

- tm700 gives sharper and more detailed video that a 7d + 18-55 IS combo

- better stabilisation (i am using my cam handheld) is important - sdt750 gives this. 3d is good extra, but why not ?

- If I buy the tm700, I must sell it in a couple of months, as sdt750 will be on sale in about 2-3 months, I will lose lots of money

- Then I thought lets wait for pana sdt750, and lets buy a 17-55. But in the videos I have seen at vimeo, the 17-55 don't give so much improvement in resoulion and sharpness versus 18-55 IS at good light (dont care abot focus speed, 2.8 low light, usm, etc)

- On the other hand, as the 17-55 has better zoom ring than a 18-55, it might be good choice.

- 17-55 gives sharpes images than a 18-55 IS, which is good, but not 10x sharper (as 18-55 costs 100 usd, 17-55 costs 1000 usd), and at the moment making sharp video is more important than making sharp photos. I am downsizing all my images to 8 mpixel, so photo sharpness is not that important for me at the moment.

- And last: 17-55 costs the same as the panasonic tm700, and I can buy only one of them.

I know there is no easy answer. But I would like to hear your suggestion about what to do.

Thank you.

Josh Dahlberg
July 29th, 2010, 02:53 PM
It really depends on what you are using the cameras for, but the difference between the 7D and TM700 (I had both before selling the Panny and buying a second DSLR) is not about "sharper" picture.

The TM700 is much more convenient - auto everything, long zoom range, huge record time - it's simple to use.

But the 7D (while being a little more work) produces images that are vastly more pleasing to look at IMO. In terms of low light, depth of field control, colour saturation, it's no contest.

Buba Kastorski
July 29th, 2010, 08:11 PM
- tm700 gives sharper and more detailed video that a 7d + 18-55 IS combo

then there is somehing wrong with your 7D or 18-55 EF S,
that's exactly what I exchange my TM700 to, not exactly, I got 17-55 - very happy

Josh Dahlberg
July 29th, 2010, 08:19 PM
On a res chart, yes, the TM700 will score better in terms of detail. The 5d/7d do not perform well if measured in raw numbers (they're not much better than SD). But that's where I think Tans may be on the wrong track - talking about "sharper" picture.

Numbers aside, the 7D image is just so much more satisfying to look at, and because the out of focus areas are pleasingly blurred, the in focus areas snap into view (even if in terms of sheer resolution it's a mediocre performer); therefore the 7D could ostensibly be considered sharper.

Tans Mark
July 30th, 2010, 04:44 AM
Josh, Buba:

Thank you.

Buba Kastorski
July 30th, 2010, 06:45 AM
Josh, Buba:

Thank you.
oh, you welcome,
TM700 is amazing for the money camcorder, if you turn off dynamic OIS, and it is much more convenient, and easier to shoot with, but if you're OK to spend a bit more time preparing each shot, and if you will shoot indoors - 7D will perform better,
I was choosing between T2i and TM700, they are close in image quality, but then I replaced both with 7D, the only thing about 7D i don't like it randomly overheats, I never seen overheat on my 5D, never seen it on 550D too, but 7D somehow is different:) so you need to watch live view and turn it off when you're not shooting

Tans Mark
July 30th, 2010, 07:10 AM

Okay. I have bought 17-55 :)