View Full Version : Decoding Panasonic MXF Files on Win7 Platform

Thane Silliker
July 27th, 2010, 06:21 PM
I have been in discussion with Cineform Support regarding my computer's sudden inability to decode my Panasonic's MXF files from P2 cards.. I am using NeoHD on a Windows 7 box. Support replied to me some time ago that some Windows update for Windows 7 somehow disabled MXF file conversion. That was several weeks ago and I haven't heard anything. Haven't seen anything on their techblog either.

Has anyone else been experiencing this failure?

Leo Baker
July 28th, 2010, 06:39 AM
Hello Thane,

I can convert the Panasonic mxf files 1280x720 25 Progressive Native into Cineform 1280x720 files in HDLINK with no error.

However in Premeire pro cs5 I was getting crashes with the footage when I added a cross dissolve, imported a clip, went to trim the converted Cineform clip in cs5.

I installed Vista onto my machine did all my converts from MXF to Cineform and so far in testing i got not crashes.

I have a ticket open about my dll crashes when doing the above I mentioned, I am testing to see if the convert on a non Windows 7 machine has fixed these issues when i am editing usingthe clips causing Premire pro cs5 to crash in a Cineform preset with Cineform Media.
