View Full Version : Capillary Action

Matthew Wauhkonen
July 24th, 2005, 03:27 PM
So far so good. My first test worked great and there are definitely no bubbles (although the focusing screen is still cooling and it may not be on a perfectly level surface.)

It's actually really fast and easy to get working, and you only get wax on about 1/4'' of an inch of the glass so you don't need to clean the whole thing, jus a little off the bottom.

The bad: it doesn't fill the glass all the way to the top (at least I don't think it does), so it won't work for microscope slides (which are slightly small as it is) and it wouldn't work so great for round objects. Also, my first test won't fit into an adapter since I cut the glass by hammering it, not by cutting it, and it's in a "large random shard" shape. Also, depending on the shape of the container, it may take a lot of wax. I must have used an two or three ounces since I could only find a large bowl to test with.

Now, the images I've seen at the guerilla35 website show a rectangular focusing screen, not a round one. I have a guess as to why.

Matthew Wauhkonen
July 24th, 2005, 03:33 PM
There are either cracks of wax towards the edge or little bits of epoxy which floated into the wax. It's unclear which, but they're not too serious as long as they're not in the center. Looks awesome otherwise!