View Full Version : Wrong clip dimensions: 960 x 540
Cees van Kempen July 25th, 2010, 08:48 AM When shooting 1080p I irregularly have a clip that gets the dimensions 960 x 540 instead of 1920 x 1080. It happens only once in a few hundred clips and it looks like chance is biggest whit the first clip after formatting the card, but not only then. Anyone else with this experience? Is it a nanoflash fault or a camera problem (EX3)?
Dan Keaton July 25th, 2010, 11:34 AM Dear Cees,
Is the actual video affected, or just the description of the video in the header?
Have you found this problem with our latest firmware, 1.6.29, or did you find this with an earlier release of the firmware?
Cees van Kempen July 25th, 2010, 11:47 AM Dan,
I have noticed it as follows, When I open a clip on my apple (it's in Quick Time I suppose), the clip opens in it's actual dimensions. So the window with a 1080 clip is actually larger than with 720 clip. The clips I am refering to open up in a significantly smaller window (540). If I then check info of the clip it says that is a 1080p clip, but at the dimensions it says 960 x 540. Since this is in the information and the clip opens in a matching, small window, I suppose it is actually of this small size.
I changed to the latest firmware last week. Some of the corrupt clips are definitely from before the update. I am not sure if the last one was from just before or just after the update to the last firmware.
Dan Keaton July 25th, 2010, 12:22 PM Dear Cees,
Thanks for the detailed information.
If you have Final Cut Pro, could you please open it in FCP?
Also, could you provide the clip details:
Long-GOP or I-Frame Only
Pre-Buffer On or Off
Frame Rate
Pulldown Removal On or Off
and any other settings.
By providing these settings we are in a better position to attempt to duplicate the problem.
Cees van Kempen July 25th, 2010, 01:28 PM Dear Dan,
Opened it in FCP.
Bit-rate according to FCP: 14.2 MB/sec (or 118,600 Mb/s according to Finder info screen)
Frame size according to FCP: 1920 x 1080 !!
Other information:
I-Frame only
Prebuffer On
I usually shoot 30p and confirm in Cinema Tools to 25 fps (therefore the 'unusual' bit rate. I shoot at 140Mb/s)
Pulldown removal Off
The interesting thing is that FCP says the frame size is 1920 x 1080. However, if I chose View Clip in Editor, it once again opens in a small window. If I open this way the next clip, just shot a few seconds after the 'corrupt' one with exactly the same settings, it opens the usual way in the large window corresponding 1920 x 1080. Since the faulty one opens in the small window, it seems something is really different, though the information in FCP seems right.
Ryan Johnson July 28th, 2010, 08:43 AM Dear Cees,
This is an interesting problem that we have not seen before. Could you possibly send one of your problem files or a link to one of your files to our customer support e-mail: "CDSupport at" and we will take a look and try to resolve this issue.
Cees van Kempen July 28th, 2010, 12:55 PM Dear Ryan,
Thanks for your efforts. I am on journey this week, so it will be next week I get back to you. Will have to arrange something with a link, I suppose. Size of a clip will be too large for e-mail and I am not familiar with zipping files. Will be back to you next week.
Cees van Kempen August 6th, 2010, 06:37 AM Dear Ryan or Dan,
Send an e-mail yesterday by means of this forum to Ryan. Did you recieve it? I need an e-mail address, since I want to upload a file to Send2Deliver. You can download it then for inspection.
Regards, Cees
Dan Keaton August 6th, 2010, 06:50 AM Dear Cees,
I will send you a private email with our email addresses.
Cees van Kempen August 9th, 2010, 12:54 PM Dear Dan,
Tried to upload a file, but failed. Will try again later this week, as I have to go now. Already some extra information. The files with the small dimensions are about always the first on a CF card. Thus after removing, replacing and reformatting the card. But some of the wrong files are not the first on a card. it may be that this are files after removing/replacing the card and not reformatting it.
Will try and certainly manage to upload a file this week.
Regards, Cees
Dan Keaton August 9th, 2010, 01:22 PM Dear Cees,
We will wait for your upload.
Our recommended practice is to reformat the CompactFlash cards in the nanoFLash after copying the footage to your computer or storage device, and before you record any more files on the card.
This gets rid of any extra files that the computer many have loaded onto the card.
Cees van Kempen August 9th, 2010, 02:36 PM Hi Dan,
I always do so. I tranfer my files to a Nexto and than always reformat the cards in the nano.