View Full Version : 3D Stereo Toolbox V2 tutorial??

Bruce Schultz
July 24th, 2010, 01:01 PM
Tim Dashwood, have you posted a revised tutorial for V2 of your software? Specifically the replacement module for the convergence controls? I'm just moving over from V1.1 after finishing a long project and while I am in awe of all of the new features, it's a bit daunting to master quickly. Your earlier V1.1 tutorial was just the right touch to get started.


Tim Dashwood
July 25th, 2010, 06:46 PM
I did an hour-long v2 walkthrough interview with Al "3D Guy" Caudillo but I don't think he has published it yet. 3DGuy website (

However, I will put one together soon that replaces the original "getting started" tutorial along with separate tutorials for the other modules. The "Geometry" filter contains most of the functions from v1 with some more bells and whistles.

Bruce Schultz
July 27th, 2010, 02:58 PM
Thanks Tim, I'll look fwd to those tutorials when they arrive. In the meantime there's nothing like just slugging it out to begin to flatten out the learning curve.