View Full Version : Opacity issues on duplicated clips

Brian Jeffries
July 22nd, 2010, 10:16 PM
Alright so i'm running CS5 trying to put together a short video. I am having trouble getting the opacity to work on a duplicated clip. Let me explain...

I have a clip with a guy doing kung fu, I am duplicated the clip and putting directly on top of the original and offsetting it by a few frames. Them I set a key frame at the beginning and set it to 0% opacity. Then about 1 second in I set another key frame with the opacity turned up to 50%. Then I fade it out at the end of the clip.

This is not working what so ever in one section of my video and is sort of (the opacity doesnt look like its at 50% and it doesnt fade out) working in another. But it works great in the very beginning of my clip.

Like I said this worked great one time and I followed the same procedure and now I am not getting the same results.

Does anyone have an idea of why this is not working?

Brian Jeffries
July 23rd, 2010, 05:17 PM
Does anyone have any suggestions? I tried opening this into a new project and I get the same results. I even tried using different video clips shot with a different camera. I still cannot get opacity to work properly.

Gregory Gesch
July 24th, 2010, 09:43 PM
Hi Brian. Sorry if this seems a bit basic but are you setting a keyframe at the time when you want your ghost image to begin fading out? There should be four keyframes: 1 at 0%, 2 at 50%, 3 at 50 % and 4 at 0%. Only thing I can think of, sorry if it isn't a help.

Brian Jeffries
July 26th, 2010, 01:34 PM
lol, I understand you have to clear the basic stuff first. But yes I am setting a keyframe and I am setting it to the proper layer with the clip highlighted.

This is now happening in a new video that I am editing but its happening with basic fading to the next clip.
For example: One clip lays above another clip slightly overlapping by about 1.5 seconds and ading 2 keyframes 0 and 100% opacity.

That basic fade is not working. I am thinking its an issue with my premiere..

Brian Jeffries
July 27th, 2010, 09:21 PM
I did a full uninstall last night using revo uninstaller and cleared all my registry files. Then this morning I reinstalled CS5.

same issue.. I can only use opacity when premier wants to let me.

Any one have any other suggestions?

Harm Millaard
July 28th, 2010, 03:50 AM
Did you run Clean Script CS5 after the uninstall twice, rebooting between runs?

Brian Jeffries
July 28th, 2010, 11:06 AM
no, please fill me in on what clean script is... I did reboot, I didn't reinstall until the next day.

Harm Millaard
July 28th, 2010, 11:39 AM
Look in the Adobe Knowledge-base and search for Clean Script CS5.

Brian Jeffries
August 11th, 2010, 10:11 PM
Alright so this is my 5th install with adobe CS5 and I am still having opacity issues in some areas of my videos.

I have tried using Revo Uninstaller and clearing everything from my registry a few times and I have tried Clean Script CS5 once using the default windows uninstall method and once using the revo uninstaller method. Still this does not seem to work.

Could possibly be a performance issue and related to a setting premiere thats telling it to limit cpu usage or memory?

Could this be anything??