John Nguyen
July 22nd, 2010, 11:54 AM
I searched the forum and saw a few messages about broken camcorder but could not find out what the estimate to fix it. I dropped my HV20 and now it's not powering on. The tape release is still working but nothing else is (somebody in the forum had the same problem but they said it fixed itself somehow). Has anybody fixed their HV camcorder and how much? I'd like to know to see if it's worth to pay for shipping and fix it, or just get a new HV40. Thanks.
Dave Blackhurst
July 22nd, 2010, 12:38 PM
A couple observations...
First, repair shops can vary widely, with the "factory" centers usually being the most expensive, unless of course the cam is under warranty. You may be able to find a smaller shop that con do the "same" service for less.
Second, estimating a repair is impossible without at least looking the camera over, for obvious reasons. The range of damage can be huge, some things are as simple as a bad connector or loose cable which might sneak out for a minimum service charge, all the way up to a dead mainboard or lens block ($$$).
Third, you're asking about a camera that's several years old and currently non-responsive (unless you mean to say that the tape mech is still ejecting and taking the tape in, that would be SOME sign of life, and that action can happen with the camera "off"... it's "something").
Depending on how many hours you've got on it, the odds are pretty good you're looking at a less than economical repair, as most minimum charges are over $100 - what's a used, working HV20 going for nowdays? Saw one from a reliable DVi'er in the classifieds for $300 not too long ago...
If it were me, I'd go find a new or slightly used camera of your choice, and put the carcass on eBay - someone will probably pay you a decent amount for "parts" as it sits, you'd be surprised how many people are looking for parts units to Frankenstein together or fix their damaged cameras...