View Full Version : Ever Wondered Why FCP is prone to being Wonky?

Robert Lane
July 20th, 2010, 10:45 PM
If you've used any version of FCP long enough you'll eventually find that at some point, when you launch the application that some or all of your preferences and even recent projects go missing and have to be manually reset/re-located. This occurs to all of us, even those like myself who go the extra mile in keeping things like the OS and the base-code platform clean and maintained.

After living through yet another instance of FCP losing it's mind for no apparent reason I finally decided to ask the FCS-code expert on the matter, who also happens to be the publisher of the FCS Maintenance Pack from Digital Rebellion, and here's his response:

"If you've ever wondered why FCP preferences have to be trashed so frequently, it's because Apple decided to use a volatile proprietary binary format for preferences that no other application uses."


While you can't completely prevent this unstable behavior from ever happening you *can* easily store and reset your precious FCP preference file by either;

A) Manually locating the preference file, copying it and saving it somewhere *away* from where the core OS lives (preferably on a separate HDD or even a Flash-drive) or better still:

B) Get a copy of Digital Rebellions FCS Maint Pack which includes a utility to clean, backup and restore your preferences and even deeper FCP core files so that the next time FCP decides to have another brain-fart you don't spend the next hour or so restoring all the user-dedicated data.

Just one more reason D.R.'s Maint pack is a must-have for any FCP editor.

Eric Darling
July 21st, 2010, 12:35 AM
Or, if all you're worried about is your prefs, save $129, and get a copy of the free FCP Rescue app.

Shaun Roemich
July 21st, 2010, 01:00 AM
Not to be contrarian but in 11 years (or however long it's been since 1.0.2 was released...) I have NEVER trashed preferences and despite the occasional niggle, FCP1,2 and 6 have always been stable ONCE I worked out the bugs (OS versus QT versus FCP versions).

Dave Partington
July 21st, 2010, 06:01 AM
I agree. I've personally never had a problem - although I know others have - so I guess there is a need for this somewhere along the line.

Liam Hall
July 21st, 2010, 06:38 AM
Same here, until yesterday when Compressor decided to stop compressing - I still haven't solved the issue, so if anybody has a good solution...

Robert Lane
July 21st, 2010, 07:52 AM
You guys are the minority, vocal as you may be. In every FCP-related seminar I've attended or hosted one of the prominent questions has always been why, and how-to address this issue. And it was obviously large enough a problem for people like D.R. to have invested in creating the tool/s to fix and maintain it.

And to those who haven't previewed the FCP Main Pack yet, it's not just about fixing FCP preferences, there's an entire suite of OS and FCP-specific maintenance tasks that can literally be considered the main go-to toolkit for all things required to keep your main edit station stable and reliable. There's even a Compressor Repair tool, Liam.

A brief review here along with a screen-shot of all the built-in tools - some of which are very deep in their options and actual workings:

Grumpy Quail: Digital Rebellions' Final Cut Studio Maintenance Pack review (

Chris Korrow
July 21st, 2010, 08:23 AM
When I first got this MP 4 months ago FC was all over the place wonky. Tech support was no help, but after a month or so (with no new updates) everything was/is as solid as a rock.- which is why I'm reluctant to get the 10.6.4 update, even though I think it would benefit other operations.

Seems like both are true. Kinda like visiting a neat freak, everything's cool as long as you don't put a glass on the coffee table without a coaster.

Liam Hall
July 22nd, 2010, 03:37 PM
That does look a good piece of software Robert, thanks for posting.

Andy Mees
July 23rd, 2010, 05:25 PM
It's a great suite of software maintenance tools ... but if you are solely worried about your preferences then the portion of the pack ie the utility to clean, backup and restore your preferences is actually available from Digital Rebellion for free ... :

Preference Manager for Final Cut Studio - Trash Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro Preferences - Restore and backup (