View Full Version : Multi-cam editing question...

Jeremiah Rickert
July 20th, 2010, 01:50 AM
I have another quested related to multi-camera editing.

How do you "explode" the tracks that are combined into the single multi-cam editing track? My issue is this: I synced up the footage with the three cameras, but when I was Control-clicking to select the tracks for the multi-cam, I accidentally grabbed the three video tracks and two of the audio tracks. The result is that when I switch to the take of camera 3, it switches the sound to camera 3 as well and cuts out the sound from camera 2 unless I switch back. Camera 1 is unaffected because I didn't select that track when building the multi-track. It's actually sitting beneath the the multi-track muted. I would like camera 3's audio down there as well, but low in the mix, but because I saved the project after the multi-track was created, I can't undo the combination.

Any help would be appreciated...

Edward Troxel
July 20th, 2010, 06:51 AM
Short answer: you don't. I've seen some scripts that supposedly do this. However, you're basically just duplicating the tracks and choosing which "take" to keep in each track.

The generally selected solutions to this are:

1. Duplicate the tracks before creating the multi-cam track so that you can always go back to the duplicate copy.

2. Use one of the scripting options like Excalibur or Ultimate S which do not have this issue (and are also more flexible in how various things can be done).

Jeff Harper
July 20th, 2010, 10:08 AM
I stand by Edwards statement, and for multicamera work, I recommend Excalibur plug in or Ultimate S. If you are not familiar with these products for Vegas, they make your life with Vegas MUCH easier. They both do many of the same things, and either of them would be an excellent choice for doing multicamera edits. I personally use one of them for editing weddings and I couldn't live without it. Sony Vegas multicamera is not user friendly, IMO.

Sam Houchins II
July 20th, 2010, 07:04 PM
I've simulated "exploding" my multi-cam trak by doing the following, assuming a 3 camera multi-cam trak:
Copy and paste your multi-cam trak twice, so that you have 3 multi-cam tracks now.
Go back to each multi-cam track and use the "t" shortcut to choose the different take for each one.
The result should be the same as 3 tracks with the three cameras seperated again.
Please feel free to let me know if I've missed the point of your troubles, or have left a nuance unaddressed. I typically do on my first attempt.

Jeremiah Rickert
July 20th, 2010, 07:14 PM
It ended up being faster just re-syncing the tracks over again. Two of them had running timecode that matched, and it was just a matter of lining up the third one.

Thanks for all the replies, though. It seems like Vegas should be able to un-combine the tracks natively. Even if it means having to re do all your cuts.
