View Full Version : cool light arrived

Dick Mays
July 17th, 2010, 07:20 PM
So I moved down to Macon Georgia two week ago to be a Math Teacher. A year of underemployment coming to a welcomed ending. And for one moment, I thought I really should not be asking Guy Cochran to cough up a prize for my DV18 victory as it had so few entries and it really isn't quite the same thing without Bill and Bruce, and the peerless Joseph Tran in the competition. So for a moment, I thought maybe I should just pass on the cool light, but then I looked at the specs and greed kicked in and I sent Guy Cochran my mailing address. I did promise him I'd make a video with it and plug his DVcreators store,

But my gal Vicki came back to the house a couple of days ago, and there was no package for me. I thought someone had stolen the light from my porch, and how was I going to be able to tell Guy that I never even got the light? I would have to buy the light and pretend I got it from the mail. After wrecking my motorcycle, and a few more bad strings of luck, a stolen light appeared to be par for the course.

But my neighbor came over today with a big box, she had taking from my porch for safe keeping, and lo and behold my Diva Light ring had arrived! But no sooner had I assembled it, but a friend making a movie arrived and took all my lights away including my newest really cool flourescent. Pictures and a reveiw will be forthcoming. It is bright and makes the really neat eye highlights. More later.

Sorry, no video of the Diva light yet, but you can enjoy my first semi-commercial spot, which I just completed for a sailing club. Love your feedback...

YouTube - Why Sail? (

Bill Thesken
July 19th, 2010, 01:06 PM
Looks great!
Credit for the poem?

Dick Mays
July 19th, 2010, 01:33 PM
Narration or writing? My ex wife did the voice over, and I penned that masterpiece...

Cole Seidl
July 23rd, 2010, 11:33 AM
Benji and I also got our light recently, and though we haven't had a chance to put it to truly great use yet, we have played around with it, and it is fantastic. I happened to be doing some portrait photography with my new T2i, and together the results were wonderful. I think this light will be a wonderful asset to our film work.

Lorinda Norton
July 27th, 2010, 09:29 AM
I'm glad you guys are liking your new lights but this is nothing more than a big tease! Where's that forthcoming video? Or one of those portraits?? :)

Nice video, Dick. And btw, it doesn't matter how many or few entries there are--your film was very deserving of the prize.

Dick Mays
July 29th, 2010, 05:14 AM
My review of the Divo light will be forthcoming. As soon as I can get it back from a producer friend who stole it from me. I picked up the tungsten light kit he borrowed yesterday, but he conveniently didn't bring the Divo light. So I don't have any opinion yet. He, however, loves it.

Scott Shama
July 29th, 2010, 05:17 PM
Do you think they can make one with a dimmer?

Shaun Roemich
July 30th, 2010, 03:05 PM
That Guy Cochrane sure is a good gu... um... fellow! Many thanks for his ONGOING support of the DVI Challenge and us video folks in general!

Cole Seidl
August 1st, 2010, 11:13 PM
Here are a couple stills taken from the raw footage. This was shot using our Diva light, and light panel micro, both presented by Guy Cochran during DVChallenges.

Lorinda Norton
August 4th, 2010, 05:56 PM
Nice! But what was your overhead source? Can't be the Diva?!

Cole Seidl
August 5th, 2010, 11:55 AM
As a matter of fact, it is the Diva. We hung it above me, and to my right. With the boosted shutter speed, and lower f-stop we were able to get ridiculous power out of it.

Dick Mays
August 15th, 2010, 10:19 AM
first photo's using Diva light and natural light together.

Dick Mays
August 15th, 2010, 10:20 AM
Second try...

Lorinda Norton
August 15th, 2010, 11:26 AM
Tom and most people's interpretation of "diva" don't exactly go together, do they... :) How close was the light to him? I'm curious as to why it didn't light up his eyes a little more.

Dick Mays
August 16th, 2010, 07:34 PM

I was using the Diva as fill light, on the left side (Tom's right side) of his face. The Key light is from a window to the right, (Tom's left.) The Diva was about seven feet away. It is a strong fill at that distance. I like that the color temperature closely matches daylight, so there is not an obvious yellow tone to the light. It is also a very soft light, even without a diffuser. I am sure if I have placed it next to camera, I would have gotten the nice eye highlights you were expecting.

Guy Cochran
August 18th, 2010, 12:27 PM
Glad to see that you're putting the light to good use! I think you need one more :)

Shooting directly through the center while being a short distance away, produces that signature "music video" look which Lorinda refers to. Ring lights not only provide ample light under the chin, they provide an even flattening to the image by filling in bags under eyes and more of an even ratio to reduce the look of wrinkles, blemishes, etc, they're also well know for putting that big circle catch light in the eyes that screams professional. It's the final piece of the lighting puzzle that says "trust" - if that's what you're after. You see, dark eyes appear lifeless and cold when not intentionally lit - viewers get the impression that something isn't right. Some get lucky and unintentionally get that look, they don't know why, but they like it..maybe by having a large softbox nearby, or a huge piece of white foam core. The Diva Ring Light makes it easy to get this look repeatedly.

If anyone else on here wants one - I have a few left, heck, I'll even through in a free 8' stand for DVi chronies - just put "Free 8' light stand per Guy" in the comments field during check out.

Lorinda Norton
August 18th, 2010, 01:29 PM
You've got a deal, Guy! I shouldn't be spending the money but am not passing up an offer like that. :)

Lorinda Norton
August 20th, 2010, 02:38 PM
Oh, yeah! Just received the light and [nice!] stand and turned it on the first middle-aged, semi-wrinkled face I could find. It works GREAT! No, I won't be sharing footage of this first look but plan to shoot something very soon.

Thank you so much, Guy!!! You are the best. :)

Guy Cochran
August 22nd, 2010, 11:42 AM
Awesome! I look forward to seeing the results in your next video!