View Full Version : making the switch

Brandon Carter
July 16th, 2010, 02:30 PM
I am making the switch from Canon Xh A1's to Sony Ex1's. I'm mostly wondering about how this transition is going to affect my workflow...particularly if I am mixing the XDcam footage with HDV on a FCP time line. Also for those who have used both, what should I expect as far as learning curve? Any other additional info to assist in this transition is much appreciated! Thanks!

Jeff Anselmo
July 16th, 2010, 03:00 PM
Hi Brandon,

You've probably heard of Doug Jensen's training DVD for the EX1 Vortex Media: VIDEO & PHOTO Tools and Training (

It's a great training vid that will guide you through exactly what your asking about--workflow. Plus, he relates it through a shooter's perspective, which is good.

I've had the DVD for a while, and have watched it a few times. Ironically, I do not own an EX1/R :) Still deciding between the EX1R or the new Canon XF300.


Vincent Oliver
July 17th, 2010, 02:11 AM
"I've had the DVD for a while, and have watched it a few times. Ironically, I do not own an EX1/R :) Still deciding between the EX1R or the new Canon XF300."

I have the Sony EX3 and a Canon XHA1 and on test the new Canon XF305.

Having shot footage on all three cameras I still favour the EX3. Having said that, the new Canon has a lot going for it in terms of technical specifications. I will be shooting all next week with both the EX3 and XF305 and will publish a full review of the camera, together with sample footage on my new web site

On another point, I have been mixing XHa1 footage with EX3 footage in a few of my videos, not real problem other than the time it takes to download the tapes. Having said that, watching a tape download does give you a useful reference as to the content, and the tape is a reasonable backup medium.

Jeff Anselmo
July 17th, 2010, 03:29 PM
Hi Vincent,

Can't wait for your review and write up!


Brandon Carter
July 17th, 2010, 05:15 PM
Yes, cant wait to see the review. If possible, include some clips in low light.

Vincent Oliver
July 18th, 2010, 12:30 AM
Just as a quick forerunner. The Canon XF 305 files need to be converted to to MXF files before you can start to edit them - what's the big deal with that?

I converted the files to MXF using the Canon XF utility and then tried to import them into Adobe Premiere CS4. Unfortunately Premiere CS4 will not recognise them, maybe it's something to do with the 4:2:2 or 50mps Canon files. However, Premiere CS5 will import them without any problem. I also tried to convert the files using QuickTime Pro, but againg I got the message unrecognised file format.

So if you want to edit the XF files you will need CS5. OH, did I mention that you will also need Windows 7 64bit operating system to run Premiere CS5.

The bottom line is that you should allow extra cost to upgrade your system to work with CS5

I can't speak for FCP, Vegas, Avid or other NLE applications, but will look into workarounds.

Will publish the full review in about 10 days time

Brian Rhodes
July 19th, 2010, 12:19 AM
Sony Vegas 9 will read the MXF files no problem.

Vincent Oliver
July 19th, 2010, 12:37 AM
Premiere also reads MXF files without any problems, but not Canon XF305/300 MXF files. I haven't checked the Canon files with Vegas, but will do so when I return to my studio.