View Full Version : Getting choppy

Nick Sullivan
July 23rd, 2005, 10:47 PM
hi all,

at the moment, just for fun im trying to get the look in the radiohead film clip for "there there". you can check it out here:

i can get the jerkyness going just by filming at 1/3 speed, and just hacking away at my footage, but there is a strange kind of flicker going on, and i cant raelly think how to go about getting, as it really is the icing on the cake for the look. i was thinking of shooting at an ultra high shutter speed? any suggestions? ive got a sony DCR-VX2000 camera if that helps at all.


Kyle Edwards
July 23rd, 2005, 11:42 PM
The video appears to play at 12fps but also it looks like stop motion. You could try recording progressively with your VX2000 (which is 15fps doubled to 30fps) then play with that.

Personally I would have to experiment with shutter speeds and such to give you a better answer. You can give the progressive mode a try to begin with.

Nick Sullivan
July 24th, 2005, 04:15 AM
yeah cheers. some of it is stop motion, which i know quite a lot about, but some stuff just looks way to natural and smooth to be stop motion. how do i go about doing proggressive recording on my cam? i checked the manual but couldn't really find out anything about it. unfortunately im not that experienced with this camera yet.

Kyle Edwards
July 24th, 2005, 11:42 AM
Maybe it's called "Frame Mode" ? I forget. I used the camera for a bit while waiting for my HDV to come but it wasn't mine and I haven't held it in a while.

Judging from "cheers" you are in PAL land. I do not know if the PAL version has this feature.

Daves Spi
July 26th, 2005, 05:58 AM
Judging from "cheers" you are in PAL land. I do not know if the PAL version has this feature.

PAL version of cam should have it too. NTSC is 60i=30fps, PAL is 50i = 25fps. Can be called Frame mode, Progressive mode, Cinema mode but imho only profesional cam has this feature for real. On my PanaGS400 it looks same as if you do it post by deinterlace filter. It blends two fields together I think.

Kyle Edwards
July 26th, 2005, 12:25 PM
PAL version of cam should have it too. NTSC is 60i=30fps, PAL is 50i = 25fps. Can be called Frame mode, Progressive mode, Cinema mode but imho only profesional cam has this feature for real. On my PanaGS400 it looks same as if you do it post by deinterlace filter. It blends two fields together I think.

Yes but the VX2000's Frame Mode is 15fps. I don't see how the PAL version would be half the frame rate. 12.5fps? Doesn't work that way.