Adi Head
July 15th, 2010, 04:22 PM
Quick question...
I can see how to key-frame track-based effects, but not event-based effects.
Is it true that you can't key-frame event effects in Vegas 9?
Mike Kujbida
July 15th, 2010, 04:25 PM
You can keyframe pretty much any FX at any level in Vegas.
What are you having problems with?
Adi Head
July 15th, 2010, 05:07 PM
Thanks for the speedy reply.
A weird thing....
I was tutoring a friend today, who is trying to get a hang of the basics in Vegas 9. So I was at his place working on his installed version of Vegas, on his computer. I was going over adding effects with him and couldn't see any area for placing/editing key-frames for event-based effects.
Only when adding an effect to a whole track could I add key-frames, move them around, and so on.
I found this puzzling, cuz being a bit familiar with Vegas by now, it makes sense the key-frame options would be available for event-based effects, just as crop/pan. But it the key-frame section was just plainly not there.
So now, at home, immediately after receiving your reply I fired up my own Vegas, on my desktop, and found you are absolutely RIGHT! I found all the key-frame options in event-based effects, just it should be. But, I'm 100% sure that when running Vegas on my friend's computer - this was not the case. I am completely confident that on my friend's computer there was no possibility to deal with key-frames in any sort of way in regards to event-based effects. The options are just not there.
What do you make of this?
Should he re-install Vegas?
Is someone aware of a bug which might be known to cause such a thing to happen?
Don Bloom
July 15th, 2010, 09:00 PM
It almost sounds like the FX window isn't opened up far enough to see the timeline in the window so with out that you can't set keyframes.
Adi Head
July 16th, 2010, 01:22 AM
It almost sounds like the FX window isn't opened up far enough to see the timeline in the window so with out that you can't set keyframes.
Well, to my recollection the FX window was open as it should be. I remember t looked strange and thinking to myself: "why all that blank gray area underneath the FX settings (where the key-frames timeline normally is) if there is no timeline and key-frame options?"
I'll give him a call and ask him to look again for me.
...will report back. Thanks!
Renton Maclachlan
July 16th, 2010, 02:06 AM
As I recall I had this issue once and the I had to enlarge the window (drag down the bottom) till the key-frame time line appeared.
Adi Head
July 16th, 2010, 03:43 AM
Don & Renton, you were on the money.
I checked out what you guys suspected and tried to re-create the problem on my copy of Vegas and realized that when minimizing the timeline area in the FX window - there actually is no indication whatsoever that ta timeline area could be hiding down there!
So I called the guy up and asked him to check this by dragging the inner frame of the FX window upwards... and lo and behold - up came the timeline and keyframe options.
Maybe a small note to any Vegas developers who might happen across this thread... it would make sense to at least graphically hint that there is a timeline area hiding there - even when collapsed to its minimized state - like a small arrow or handle or something. As it seems I'm not the only one being fooled by this.
Don Bloom
July 16th, 2010, 04:34 AM
Maybe a small note to any Vegas developers who might happen across this thread... it would make sense to at least graphically hint that there is a timeline area hiding there - even when collapsed to its minimized state - like a small arrow or handle or something. As it seems I'm not the only one being fooled by this.
Naw, then the developers wouldn't have any fun. ;-)
Edward Troxel
July 16th, 2010, 06:56 AM
Adi, this is a well known issue that has been discussed many times in this forum. For some reason, the timeline sometimes, somehow, gets resized to "nothing". As you've seen, the solution is to resize it back to normal.
Mike Kujbida
July 16th, 2010, 08:08 AM
Sony is well aware of the issue too.
Missing keyframe timeline on Video FX, Video Media Generator, or Transitions ( 9MS4xNyZwX2N2PSZwX3BhZ2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PWZ4IHRpbWVsaW5lIG5vdCBzaG93aW5n&p_li=&p_topview=1)