View Full Version : Quick Time (.MOV) exports come out dark with Media Encoder CS4

Caleb Royer
July 15th, 2010, 01:41 PM
I am trying to export my project from Premiere Pro CS4 with Media Encoder as .MOV, but it always comes out dark, its very clear and the whole video is there its just dark. When I export as .M2V it comes out like its supposed to, but I don't want .M2V.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Alan Kennedy
July 18th, 2010, 08:04 AM
Can you give us an idea of what settings you are using? What codec etc?

I do this all the time and have no problems (with CS4). I almost always export an uncompressed Quicktime and encode with other products such as Procoder.

Harm Millaard
July 18th, 2010, 10:47 AM
It is just another problem with QuiRckTime, the gamma shift. Why would you willingly choose about the most taxing and troublesome codec ever invented? QT on a PC is a disaster, maybe Steve Jobs way of getting back at Adobe?

Caleb Royer
July 19th, 2010, 12:15 PM
Can you give us an idea of what settings you are using? What codec etc?

I do this all the time and have no problems (with CS4). I almost always export an uncompressed Quicktime and encode with other products such as Procoder.
I did some more test and found out that the video only comes out dark when I export a sequence out of PPro. I can add a clip to Media Encoder without going threw PPro or export out of AE as QT with no problems.

Here are my settings:

Format: Quick Time
Video Codec: Animation
Quality: 100
Width: 1920
Height: 1080
Frame Rate: 30
Field Type: Progressive
Aspect: Square Pixels
Render at Max Depth: Checked
Codec Settings: 24 bit