View Full Version : Record audio from rear of HPX371

Niels Neeskens
July 14th, 2010, 11:54 AM
Hey everybody,

I have a question regarding audio from the rear of my HPX371. I always filmed on a HVX200 and I was used to unplug my camera microphone and plug in a shotgun microphone and record the audio while booming a shotgun.

Now with my HPX371 I do the same, because I didn't had the time to figure out how to use the rear XLR audio plugs. I unplug the front microphone and plug in the shotgun microphone. But the XLR plug is tight when I wanna plug it out of the front. So now I want to record the audio with from a shotgun with XLR plug channel 1 on the rear of the camera. I've set the ch 3 and ch 4 to rear. Plugged in the shotgun microphone in ch 1 of the rear and set it to +48V. I see the audio bar on the lcd of channel 3 but I've no sound on channel 4. What am I doing wrong here?

Or am I not doing anything wrong and is there one audio stream from the shotgun recorded and do I simply have to copy it in Final Cut and make it two audio streams? I film in DVCPro 50.

Thanks for any help.

Cheers Niels

Niels Neeskens
July 17th, 2010, 05:26 AM
hhmm nobody, let me summarize the question cause I have a feeling it was a too long read :-) What is the best way to record audio from one of the xlr pugs from the rear of HPX371?

John Twigt
August 9th, 2010, 01:33 AM
Hai Niels,

If you're plugging one mic into 1 xlr, it won't record on two channels. If your intentiuon is to record BOTH shotgun and cameramike on two separate channels, I think (I'm not sure because I work with HPX500) you need to plug Shotgun/boom into XLR 2 on the rear and Cam Mike into XLR 1 on the front. Then set the channel 1 switch (on your audio in panel) to 1-front and your CH2 switch to rear. This will record your cam mike to 1 and your Boom to 2 (CH 3 and 4 can be switched the same so that 1 and 3 and 2/4 have the same signal.
Everything clear, if not maybe I can answer in Dutch, if the forum allows this..:-)

Niels Neeskens
August 9th, 2010, 06:38 AM
Hey John, thanks a lot for the answer. I am going to test it tomorrow.

Bedankt! :)

John Twigt
August 9th, 2010, 11:51 PM
graag gedaan! Dutchies moeten elkaar een beetje steunen op deze fora, nietwaar?

groet uit Amsterdam

Niels Neeskens
August 10th, 2010, 02:49 AM
Zeker weten! :)

Tom Klein
August 12th, 2010, 06:49 PM
hhmm nobody, let me summarize the question cause I have a feeling it was a too long read :-) What is the best way to record audio from one of the xlr pugs from the rear of HPX371?

In Australia If you asked me of your issue, I'd answer "have you read your cameras manual" the cam manual explains all the possibilities, from 2ch rec to 4 ch rec via the various inputs balanced and unbalanced and various mics etc.

So, In Australian, "Read the book Mate".


Niels Neeskens
August 13th, 2010, 03:36 AM
I've read the manual mate! Sometimes people have questions even after reading the manual, so they go to forums like this one to get some more info from people who are more experienced with certain area's of filmmaking. At least the Forum manual says so!


Tom Klein
August 13th, 2010, 04:17 AM
Hello Niels,

No offence intended, I understand where your coming from ,what I do with any new camera ( i've had many over the years) is read the manual, then play n test, if all fails ask someone who owns the same camera. most times a simple play n test will resolve any issues , (that's in my experience)

These days you can tap into and find / ask a wealth of knoweledge from many formus, yes you are correct in this regard, good luck.


Niels Neeskens
August 13th, 2010, 04:52 AM
None taken, I've read the manual and did the testing and was still left with questions. Sometimes I leave out bits of information I all ready know, just to see how other people handle things with the camera. My experience tells me that it brings up lots of useful information.

Next to that I am not good with audio (I know how to get the levels right and the best way to boom, but certainly not an expert) so I am a bit anguish to record audio of some paid productions without dubbel checking or really knowing how things work.

These forums were an still are a mayor part of why I still work in this business.
