View Full Version : fundamental doubt: Vegas preview changes colours?

Federico Perale
July 13th, 2010, 06:12 AM
I was working on some HDV 1080 clips yesterday I shot with my Z1

now...when I work on Vegas, the preview shows a certain "aspect" with some colours

to my big surprise those colours have got nothing to do with how the end file will look like.
I rendered to WMV and MPG2 and all the time the final colours were much stronger and vibrant than in the preview

in the Vegas preview the colours are somewhat washed and lighter.
Even comparing them to the raw footage from the camcorder before doing any editing.

this to me defeats the purpose of having a preview right?

how is this usable then? how can I work on grading, for example, if the preview function of Vegas is not 100% accurate in showing colours?
am I missing something, like there are options to "tune" the preview?

Edward Troxel
July 13th, 2010, 06:42 AM
Do you have "Overlays" turned on? Sounds like you do and you've picked one of the red/green/blue options.

Federico Perale
July 13th, 2010, 07:34 AM
mmm I don't even now what that function is so I doubt I turn it on, but I will check

but the colours don't have a blue or green tendency, they are just much stronger on the output than the preview.

is the preview meant to be 100% accurate? I would have thought so

this thread looks very pertinent

Edward Troxel
July 13th, 2010, 07:45 AM
The overlays button is just above the preview screen. Sort of looks like "#".

Federico Perale
July 13th, 2010, 07:47 AM
thanks I will check
what do you think of that link I posted? do you ever adjust this?

Federico Perale
July 13th, 2010, 07:56 AM
I guess this link too explains my point

Cineform Tech Blog Blog Archive Why do colors in Sony Vegas look “washed out”? (

Federico Perale
July 14th, 2010, 04:28 AM
I checked and I didn't have overlays

it's clearly an issue with RGB Studio
so my findings are that I need to adjust the preview to the output file I will need to create

if I create a WMV file for example, you just need to add the RGB studio to RGB computer filter to compensate for the difference (filter is on during rendering)

if I create a MPEG2 file, I had to slightly tweak the RGB Studio to RGB computer filter to increase the saturation (as the difference was higher), but THEN you need to remember to turn it off before rendering

my understanding is that some formats will create only a different use of colour in the preview (mpeg2) but others require the filter to remain, as the colour will actually be different in the output files.

anyone has similar experiences?