Kevin Railsback
July 13th, 2010, 04:31 AM
Not sure what was up with Vimeo. Finally had to download the desktop uploader to be able to get the file uploaded yesterday.
Anyway, I had heard about this waterfall in the NE corner of the state last year but never had time to check it out. So, I thought this would be a good opportunity drive the three hours and pay it a visit.
Normally when you think of Iowa, you think of flat fields of corn and beans sprinkled with pastures of cows and pigs. Well, that's mostly true so it's hard to believe you'd find something like this in the state.
I'll certainly be paying this falls a visit in future UWOL challenges!
Is this Heaven? on Vimeo
Bob Safay
July 13th, 2010, 04:44 AM
Kevin, fantastic. Run, do not walk to your nearest Iowa Chamber of Commerce. What a great video this would be for getting people to visit Iowa. This past spring I spent a week in Decorah. Your right, not heaven, its Iowa. I would like to send this to some of the people I worked with at there. Thanks. Bob
Ryan Farnes
July 13th, 2010, 01:30 PM
Looks like a great location. I imagine it is very "other worldly" or "tropical" feeling in person, hence the heaven reference...
I don't know if it would work, but it would be cool to take a peek under the surface of the water. I did it with an HVX a few times and it worked pretty well with a 10 gallon aquarium. Lets you get under a few inches and look around. Really pretty cool in steams and rivers that are shallow with green vegetation. Just an idea...if you haven't tried it before, you may get hooked. And yes, the footage is worth the hilarious questions other hikers ask you. "What are you trying to catch?" "What did you just release?" etc...
Mat Thompson
July 13th, 2010, 04:17 PM
Railsback....water and 50fps ! - It's a classic :-)
Lovely footage fella.
Trond Saetre
July 14th, 2010, 04:55 AM
That's it, if we ever get a chance to have the uwol get together we talked about a while ago, we're going to Iowa!!
Kevin, you really found a beautiful location! Very nice waterfall, and the colors were so crisp in your shots.
I second Bob's comment about this could draw tourists to Iowa.
Dale Guthormsen
July 17th, 2010, 07:16 PM
first I have family in Iowa and nebraska, been to both and never knew either place had such a beautiful place!!!!! As always you did a great job giving glimpses of its beauty!!!
Seems to me you should to a half hour piece on this place!!!!
the falls at 59 and then fading to the next falls at 105 are my favorite shots!! Fine compositions!!
I am really glad you got out to shoot and share this place!!!