Jim Stamos
July 12th, 2010, 08:24 PM
im looking into getting this cam prior to the pmw320 for a small hd cam for events. ive read posts mentioning the picture being soft. where is there a recent extensive review and or info on users who have shot with ex1s/3s and can give a good comparison as to the sharpness of the nxcam. i know it wont do as well in lowlight due to the smaller chips but in a well lit situation be it artificial or daylight, how well does the nxcam look say compared to the ex cams.
ive also heard issues of backfocus issues on it. input welcome.
OMT, how is the vf on this camera, hopefully better than that on the ex1r
ive also heard issues of backfocus issues on it. input welcome.
OMT, how is the vf on this camera, hopefully better than that on the ex1r