View Full Version : UWOL - fun - Winter's mist

Andrew Hood
July 12th, 2010, 11:06 AM
It's not as warm and cosy in the southern hemisphere right now (although the snow is still sparse or I'd have some of that in my footage). But that does provide a good opportunity for fog/mist.

40MB Good quality:
Youtube: YouTube - UWOL unofficial 2010 - Winter's Mist (

Trond Saetre
July 12th, 2010, 01:23 PM
Wow, what cool effects the mist do to film. This was really nice to watch. Enjoyed every single second!
Very well done, Andrew!

Do you use a rain cover for your camera while you shoot in the mist?

Bill Thesken
July 12th, 2010, 06:05 PM
That mist is awesome. Nice footage. You could use that type of setting for dramatic effects in a narrative suspense/action film.

Bob Safay
July 13th, 2010, 12:54 PM
Andrew, that was really beautiful. Now you have inspired me to go out and shoot the morning mist. The music fit the mood. Very well done. I never thought of videoing the mist like that. Did you have a hard time keeping the lens clean? Bob

Andrew Hood
July 15th, 2010, 08:58 AM
Thanks for the comments guys.

As for moisture protection... as with many things captured on camera, not everything is as it appears. A number of shots are zoomed in - looking through a long depth of fog (and it was confined to a river/pond section). Others were about the sun angle really lighting it the right way. At no point was I surrounded by thick fog. I never noticed any condensation. I don't even own a rain cover, I should get one, but it wasn't needed for this.

The birds were just on a pond in somebody's farm - you can see the barb wire in one shot. Just stumbled on that (rather unexpected), before finding a good spot to film the mist on its own, further down the road. There are pylons/lights in the background of a couple of the shots for a reason. The pondage (the big one, not the farm one with the birds) is there to cool the water down after it leaves the power station (coal not nuclear - not that the water cares). So more heat means more evaporation, and the shots were finished by around 10:30 in the morning - cold air helps keep the mist denser also.
I also sped a few scenes up to make them more dynamic.

I actually got somewhat inspired as we were driving home well after lunch at my Mum's place, the Sun was low and fog was forming in paddocks next to the road. Looked great, seemed very surreal - I'm used to it only in the mornings here. But I banked on somewhere fog always happens - sometimes (eg. cold winter mornings) the main road to the next town has such thick fog you have to slow down to 40km/h - simply from the cooling ponds.
And now we have snow - hopefully I can film some stuff this weekend. It's just frozen mist.

Per Johan Naesje
July 16th, 2010, 01:51 AM
Andrew, that was cool to watch :) So you got winter down under! Here at high summer I had to go out in the middle of the night no later than 3 am to get some mist on the water.

Some of your sequences was a bit long for my taste, and I would also have liked some long cross over fadings between some of the sequences.
But this is just minor comments. Overall a very nice piece with nice music. Keep them coming!

Dale Guthormsen
July 17th, 2010, 07:11 PM

you had numerous fine shots, very well exposed for low contrast footage!!! not an easy job!!!
The first clip of the pelican was great but the second did not really add much to a video I very much enjoyed!!
I practically never see mist like that!! so for me it was a specticle to watch!!

thanks for taking the time and sharing you video!!!!!