View Full Version : recommendation camerasetting for Neo3D

Robert Brueschke
July 12th, 2010, 05:13 AM
I will start my first stereoscopic video production. So I am playing around with NEO 3D to see if this is the right solution for me in the editing process. The video I have to shoot is for a double beamer projection in 720p. For the shoot we will use a side-by-side rig with modula-cams. So whats the best for the resolutionsettings of the cameras. Should we use 1080p due to cropping reasons cause we will shot parallel - or should we choose the final resolution for the projection? Or is it possible to crop my 1080p files within NEO 3D to 720p?

David Newman
July 12th, 2010, 08:42 AM
Work at 1080 as long as possible. Render to you target resolution. I would recommend the same for 2D.

Robert Brueschke
July 13th, 2010, 01:34 AM
If I shoot parallel in 1080 and use the convergence settings in NEO3D I have to crop on the left and reight side. So I can use the autozoomfunction but then my pixels are blown up. Cause I need only 720 I thaught I can crop manually to hold the full pixelinformation. Is there a way to do this within NEO3D? Or should I do all my edits within 1080 and create then a cineformmasterfile and convert this down to 720?

David Newman
July 13th, 2010, 08:01 AM
Make 1080 master and convert down.