View Full Version : Titles positions on the video

Marcus Martell
July 10th, 2010, 02:27 PM
Hola chicos,
que tal? How are you my vegas friends?
I wanted to explain you a problem i have with the titles in Vegas. I'm shooting a video with my interviews of my teammates (12 people) and i have a lower third for each one. On every lower third i have 3 lines of texts:
Name , last name on the first line
Height and Role on the 2nd line
and other infos on the third.......
Now if i do copy and paste for the titles of the first player to the lower third of the second it happens to me that the position of the texts changes and i can't always match em!

Edward Troxel
July 10th, 2010, 07:00 PM
On the lower left, you need to pick one of the left justified options. However, then you'll probably need to do other things to properly position the text.

If you always use a "left" and then set the "x" and "y" position the same, they should match properly. But I do understand what you're saying and do see the same thing every week.