PJ Gallagher
July 6th, 2010, 06:00 AM
I just recently upgraded to the latest version of Neoscene (v5), having previously been working with v1.4.
A project I shot a couple of months back with my Canon 7D still fires up fine in Vegas.
However, I also have an older long-term project shot on my JVC HD101. The footage was transcoded to Cineform a couple of years ago with whatever the current version for HDV was back then (pre-Neoscene)
This project worked fine with Neoscene 1.4 when I last opened it a few weeks back. However, now everytime I try to load it, or even start a new project using footage transcoded at the same time, Vegas crashes within a few seconds of placing the footage on the timeline.
Does this mean that the new version of Neoscene makes older Cineform files incompatable with Vegas? Please say this isn't so, as the older project is feature length, representing many many months of work.
If this IS the case, is there a way to reinstall the older Neoscene using the activation key for v5?
PJ Gallagher
July 6th, 2010, 06:10 AM
And I think I've answered my own question.
I just uninstalled Neoscene v5 and reinstalled the older v1.4.
The older JVC HD101 project now fires up without a problem.
So it would apperar that Neoscene v5 isn't backwards compatible with Vegas and older Cineform projects (I tried this on both Vegas 9 and my old Vegas 7 that I still had installed) A warning to anyone with old projects on file that they may need to return to at some time.
It now looks like I'm faced with the pain of having to swap back and forth between Neoscene installs until I finish the older project, still a few months away. A right royal pain in the butt :-(
David Newman
July 6th, 2010, 08:33 AM
Backward compatibility issues are rare. Send a short AVI that doesn't work in v5 and we will fix it in the next release.
PJ Gallagher
July 6th, 2010, 06:54 PM
Awesome. Thanks for the reply David. It's greatly appreciated that you guys respond to these posts.
Will get a clip sent your way asap.
Stuart Campbell
October 19th, 2010, 02:42 PM
What was the outcome of this please?
I have the following, similar, problem.
Having recently rebuilt my edit machine complete with Vegas 9 (instead of 7) and Cineform Neoscene (instead of NEOHDV) I now have the following problems;
Importing any old Cineform NEOHDV AVI files captured from HDV tape into a Vegas 9 project crashes it instantly.
Opening any Vegas 7 or 8 projects containing Cineform NEOHDV AVIs crashes Vegas instantly
Cineform NEOHDV AVIs which were rendered in Vegas 7 and not created on HDV tape capture open without problem in Vegas 9.
I'd be extremely greatful to hear of any fix or solution to this as I have an edit starting in 2 weeks
Many thanks
Stuart Campbell
David Newman
October 19th, 2010, 08:30 PM
NEOHDV has been replaced, test with the NeoScene trial.
Stuart Campbell
October 20th, 2010, 12:30 AM
David thanks for your reply.
In the top part of my post I mentioned that I replaced NEOHDV with Neoscene as part of my edit suite rebuild.
The issue has arrisen since upgrading to Neoscene and Vegas 9. I cannot now open any previously captured Cineform AVI's in Vegas 9 that were previously created using NHDV. I can, however, open NHDV Cineform AVIs that were rendered within previous versions of Vegas. It seems that's it's just NEOHDV captured AVI's that can't be opened when using Neoscene.
Stuart Campbell
October 26th, 2010, 12:54 PM
Hi David,
Is there any news on this? I need to use all of my archive footage which was captured using NeoHDV and now I'm using Neoscene I can't view any of it without Vegas 9 crashing instantly. If I uninstall Neoscene and reinstall an old copy of HDV everything works fine. Obvioulsy I don't want to have to keep uninstalling and installing depending on what footage I want to bring into a project.
Stuart Campbell
Stuart Campbell
November 1st, 2010, 02:34 AM
should I post a ticket about this? This place seems to be the quickest for a response from previous experience.
David Newman
November 1st, 2010, 11:15 AM
Always post a ticket, otherwise the problem does not exist for our engineers. We need a sample clip that fails.