View Full Version : Faithful Vs Neutral Vs Standard Pictrure Styles on 550D

Ali Hassan Munawar
July 6th, 2010, 02:43 AM
Hi Guys,

What picture style would be most usefull in medium to low light conditions, till now I have been using the Standard picture style with sharpness and the contrast all the way down.

What settings do I need for the Faithful picture style in terms of the Sharpness and contrast and saturation??

ISO 400 f1.4 and 1/50 shutter @ 1080/24fps

Thanks in advance

Colin Rowe
July 6th, 2010, 04:29 AM
Hi Ali.
Try faithfull or neutral with the contrast knocked down 1 or 2. Better still, just play with the settings until you find something you are happy with. Thats the joy of presets, we can all adjust to our hearts content, until we find a setting that does the job. Its all very subjective, what you or I like, others may not.