View Full Version : Premiere CS5 & HMC150 AVCHD Clip Import

Dan Burnap
July 2nd, 2010, 04:32 AM
When I film events I rarely pause the camera during the shoot. This results in the camera splitting the long clips up as HMC150 users will know. It can only record about 20 minutes or so in one clip. OK, no problem, but when I import a PRIVATE folder into CS5 it seems to recognise automatically split clips, joins them and imports them as one joined clip. i.e 1.mts and 2.mts becomes just 1.mts but contains the two clips joined (seemlessly). All well and good.

BUT, it will then duplicate this long clip on import to make up the number of clips in the PRIVATE folder. So, for example, the PRIVATE folder has 3 clips in total:

1.mts is 5 minutes
2.mts is 20 minutes
3.mts is 20 minutes

Where the camera split 2 and 3 into two clips where I recorded over the 20 minute limit.

CS5 will import:

1.mts (OK)
2.mts (is one 40 minute clip which is a total of the original 2 & 3)
3.mts (a duplicate of 2.mts)

While its good to have seemlessly joined clips, it is an annoyance to then have to delete the extra clips not needed. Plus on the actual import Premiere is taking much much longer to conform all this duplicated material and using much more disk space.

Any ideas??