View Full Version : Low-Fi 7D Test

Frank Ladner
July 1st, 2010, 12:12 PM
Hey guys!

Wanted to share this short test video I recently completed.

The goal here was to emulate a low-fi look with some Canon 7D footage which was taken during a recent vacation.

Low-Fi Test on Vimeo

More info: (copy/pasted from Vimeo page)

In this test video I was aiming to achieve a low-fi / organic look and feel.

The various clips were taken from vacation footage* which was captured on a Canon 7D. Primary lens used was a Super-Takumar 50mm / f1.4, attached to the 7D via M42-to-EOS adapter.

Post-processing involved layering with 8mm grain and light leak layers, vignetting, blurring, saturation and curves adjustments, etc.

The soundtrack is made up of some basic pad/chords as well as static sounds which were captured from an AM radio. Those elements alone left it feeling more suspenseful than I wanted, so I sampled a little banjo tune, dropped it in, and shifted the pitch.

* The exception on the footage is the shot featuring a paper cutout fella, which was animated and rendered in trueSpace 6.

Aaron Dunlap
July 9th, 2010, 10:33 AM
I totally dig this PP. You could use this to make your own version of one of the 70's videos from LOST.

The only thing it needs now is the film running out at the end, and the standard countdown at the beginning.

Or if you wanted to get fancy, you could create an animation of the film burning up after getting stuck.

Frank Ladner
July 10th, 2010, 07:30 PM
Hi Aaron!

Thanks for checking it out and commenting! I appreciate the tips!

I've done some conversion to 18fps recently and that helps sell the old home movie look even more. Lots of fun to experiment with this! :)

Lee Tamer
August 31st, 2010, 09:30 AM
reminds me alot of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou