View Full Version : Issue Sharing CF Cards Between nano and DSLR

Stephen McCarthy
July 1st, 2010, 04:58 AM
When I added a DSLR to my arsenal of HD cameras recently I was pleased to realize that that my supply of 32GB Extreme III CF cards could be shared between my nanoFlash and my Canon EOS 7D. ---- OR SO I THOUGHT! I soon discovered that once cards had been formatted for Canon EOS use they subsequently continued to be identified as "Canon EOS" despite having been reformatted on my nanoFlash. This seems to confuse both of my macs running Snow Leopard. One result seems to be that files recorded to the {CLP} folder on these cards appear with random symbols rather than file numbers and are identified by the computer as alias. File size registers as zero, in terms of available capacity the computer reads the card as blank and the files are non-transferrable. When I plug CF card back into nanoFlash is reads as full and files can be viewed via SDI. It seems that the Canon is creating some sort of invisible partition which is rendering the actual nanoFlash files invisible. I have erased CF cards using Apple's Disk Utility which has had some success in easing the situation but has not solved problem entirely. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I'd really prefer not to have to segregate media between nanoFlash and DSLR. There are only so many bits, bobs and cables I can keep track of.

Mike Schell
July 1st, 2010, 09:34 AM
Hi Stephen-
We'll set and test this scenario in our lab. We are making some file management adjustments for the new Canon XF cameras, so we could roll this "issue" into our analysis. These hidden and extra files that other devices (particularly MACs) are a real pain. But, we just have to tolerate these "gifts" from other devices.


Adam Stanislav
July 1st, 2010, 02:52 PM
Mike, it's not just the Mac. If you import files to Sony Vegas directly from the card, Vegas will write a file with extension ".sfk" into the directory where the file is. A real pain that is, as that renders the card unusable in the nF unless it is reformatted.

I have worked around this nuisance by copying the files to my hard disk, but that is not always a good solution.

Dave Chalmers
July 2nd, 2010, 02:05 AM
Hi Stephen-
We'll set and test this scenario in our lab. We are making some file management adjustments for the new Canon XF cameras, so we could roll this "issue" into our analysis. These hidden and extra files that other devices (particularly MACs) are a real pain. But, we just have to tolerate these "gifts" from other devices.


Hi Mike - can you expand on what the tie-in with the canon cameras is?

