View Full Version : We're looking to purchase video from HDR-FX1 / HVR-Z1 users.
Chris Gordon July 22nd, 2005, 12:59 AM Hello all -
Plasma Window is looking to purchase 1080i HDV video footage from all interested parties.
The shots will be used in an upcoming project.
The submission guidelines are very simple and you will be compensated.
Visit for more information.
It could be a great way to make money on that summer vacation!
Thanks guys-
Ray Saavedra July 22nd, 2005, 11:18 AM Chris,
Count me in. I just recently got an FX1 and this is one way to check out how good these camera are. Plus, is another way to make me go out and shoot our lovely city.
Meryem Ersoz July 22nd, 2005, 11:23 AM friggin' canon better hurry up and at least announce something in the works or i may have to purchase an FX1....
Christopher C. Murphy July 22nd, 2005, 11:45 AM Hey, I click on your link using Firefox and all I get it gobbly gook!
Boyd Ostroff July 22nd, 2005, 12:27 PM Works fine with Safari on MacOS X 10.3.8....
Chris Gordon July 22nd, 2005, 02:24 PM Here is our main submission site:
If you are having trouble viewing the above site, please try the backup site:
Thanks again
Tommy James July 23rd, 2005, 10:42 AM I don't know why the single chip JVC HDV progressive high definition camcorder is being banned. This camera uses a state of the art 6 color filteration system that according to Steve Mullen contributing editor for Video Systems magazine reproduces color better than the 3 chip Sony HDV camera. Also this camera produces artifact free footage that looks better on todays progressive displays such as your flat panel Plasma and LCD televisions. Steve Mullen has declared that if a person knows how to shoot with the JVC camera it can blow the Sony camera out of the water but he says the Sony camera is better for run and gun shooting situations and better for less qualified individuals.
Chris Hurd July 23rd, 2005, 02:32 PM I don't know why the single chip JVC HDV progressive high definition camcorder is being banned.No camcorder has been "banned" -- that's fabricated myth; completely bogus. The little GY-HD10 was used on American Idol this season. Let's stick to facts, please. Thanks in advance,
Steven Gotz July 23rd, 2005, 05:24 PM Steve Mullen has declared that if a person knows how to shoot with the JVC camera it can blow the Sony camera out of the water ...
Steven is a bright guy, but quite prejudiced towards the JVC camera. That should not surprise anyone who has read much of his stuff. If the Plasma TV folks are looking for 1080i footage, the JVC can not compete. If they were looking for 720p, it would possibly be a different matter.
Tommy James July 23rd, 2005, 06:49 PM I certainly did not mean to imply that Plasmawindow was banning any particular brand of camcorder however the rules are very clear that they will only accept 720p footage from a 3ccd camcorder. Now if it is true that the color reproduction of the JVC HD10 is indeed inferior to the Sony FX-1 then it is a fair decision to preclude the JVC HD10 from any further consideration. However if it is true that the JVC HD10 renders colors better than the Sony FX-1 then Plasmawindows only justification is that it is their business and they can do anything that they want. The best way to compare footage is not to take some experts word for it but to let your eyes be the judge.
Steve Crisdale July 23rd, 2005, 09:45 PM I certainly did not mean to imply that Plasmawindow was banning any particular brand of camcorder however the rules are very clear that they will only accept 720p footage from a 3ccd camcorder. Now if it is true that the color reproduction of the JVC HD10 is indeed inferior to the Sony FX-1 then it is a fair decision to preclude the JVC HD10 from any further consideration. However if it is true that the JVC HD10 renders colors better than the Sony FX-1 then Plasmawindows only justification is that it is their business and they can do anything that they want. The best way to compare footage is not to take some experts word for it but to let your eyes be the judge.
Seeing how I own a JVC HD-10u and a Sony FX-1e, I reckon I should be able to make a pretty educated assesment of the image/colour quality differences between the two.
The colour quality between both cameras is very, very similar. What's not similar is the Chroma Noise, or graininess of the HD-10 image compared to the grain 'free' FX-1 image.
Also, the extra resolution - regardless of all the pseudo-babble that you see here and elsewhere that states otherwise, gives the 1080i image extra detail over the 720p image.
For the time it was released, the HD-10u provided amazing quality, and I still think they have a valuable place in the HDV equation.
Unfortunately for JVC, the Sony FX-1/Z-1 offer far more to that same HDV equation...
Chris Gordon July 24th, 2005, 05:38 PM Gentlemen,
We've asked for submissions from 3 chip cameras only because of the chroma noise issue and the low light differences between the cameras.
We are asking for still samples of the footage. It is difficult to detect chroma noise on a still frame and thus, we'd prefer not to initially accept a shot based on the still frame, and then find out that the moving video has chroma noise issues.
Any questions? Contact us at
Thanks again to all who have submitted so far. The response has been great!
Chris Gordon September 9th, 2005, 12:22 AM Thank you all for the great response to our request for HDV footage! We've received some great samples from people all over the globe.
Many of you have requested an extension of the deadline due to vacations, etc...
We've decided to extend the deadline for submissions until October 31st. We will be contacting contributors during the first and second week of November.
Again, thanks for the great response and we look forward to your submissions.
Chris Gordon
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