View Full Version : Restoring Nanoflash CF Card from HDU Backup

Lance Librandi
June 30th, 2010, 01:37 AM
Hello Dan & Mike,
I always copy my CF cards using Shotput Pro to a Raid one array before doing anything else. I have in the past copied the contents back to the CF card from my HDU for playback which has worked. I formatted a blank card of the same size and copied the }CLP{ folder and the }STT{ file to the new card.

On this occasion after copying the contents back to the CF card and inserting it into the NannpFlash for playback I got the error message "unknown card type". If I delete the files from the card on the computer and reinsert the card back into the NannoFlash it's quite happy to format the card and record to it. This would indicate to me that the card is not at fault but and perhaps I may now be using an incorrect procedure .

Would the various upgrades in firmware have had in the past anything to do with it?
Any advise would be appreciated.

Ryan Johnson
July 14th, 2010, 03:52 PM
Hi, Lance. When using any CF card in the nanoFlash, it is best to format the card in the nanoFlash after moving files around in a computer because the nanoFlash formats the card in a special way that it can easily read/write to. If you want to play back media that you have stored on your computer from the nanoFlash, simply format the card in the nanoFlash, take the card to your computer, then copy the files directly into the }CLP{ folder. The card will then be ready for playback from the nanoFlash.

There are special situations we have found in which Macs sometimes fragment files when copying them to a CF card. We have a tool on our website for avoiding this fragmentation problem found here:

Dan Keaton
July 14th, 2010, 05:46 PM
Dear Lance,

In addition, some versions of Windows, and most Mac's tend to put extra files on the CF card.

Get rid of the extra files and it may work for you.

After getting rid of the files, just pull the card out.

Of course, start the process with a freshly formatted card in the nanoFlash, then copy the filess to the card, then delete the extra files, then pull the card, without going through an Eject process.