View Full Version : New Project loads markers from an old to load new markers

Jeff Harper
June 25th, 2010, 04:11 PM
I have a brand new DVDA project, and when I load markers the markers appearing are from a previous project that has been deleted from my PC. I CANNOT seem to load the markers from my new project. I feel certain the solution is to reinstall windows, as I've had other strange things happening lately with another program,, just thought I'd see if anyone else has a solution.

I'm using DVDA 5 and have uninstalled vegas and reinstalled to no avail.

Edward Troxel
June 25th, 2010, 06:39 PM
It should load the markers associated with the MPEG2 file (stored in a separate .sfl file). Did you name the new MPEG2 file the same as the old MPEG2 file and not create markers the second time?

Jeff Harper
June 25th, 2010, 08:48 PM
Edward: The mpeg for the new project had markers, and the name of the mpeg was unsimilar to the other. Thanks for the response. BTW, what does the "Save Markers" thingy do in DVDA? I've never used it and while playing around with this project I saw it. Since I just save projects very often as I go, I can't see the need to do a separate step to save the markers...does it simply save the position of markers?

Edward Troxel
June 26th, 2010, 06:56 AM
When rendering to MPEG2 in Vegas, you must make sure the option to save the markers is checked. If the SFL file is there, it should automatically pull in the markers in that file and use them as chapter points.

The Save Markers button in DVD Architect would let you resave the markers after you've changed them. Instead, I typically just save the project.