View Full Version : Got a question
Harry Lender June 24th, 2010, 07:14 PM I have read that some Videographers post different seqments on Vimeo, Youtube, etc, when completed as they are editing the DVD for the customers approval. Say like the baby montage or the Reception Seqment or maybe the music video for their approval. That way you could correct mistakes or if they didn't like something it could corrected. Just a thought. Your ideas and opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Chris Harding June 25th, 2010, 05:27 AM Hi Harry
My contract states that I have sole control of all edit decisions so I simply make the DVD and that's it. Obviously if I foul up something I will re-do it but the bride essentially accepts my edit.
I got badly caught a few years ago when a bride wanted everthing but the kitchen sink unblocked!!! "Can you mask that man out, I don't like him", "cut that piece out ..I don't look good" ..She visited my edit suit 3 times over a month and spent the entire (well 9am - 4pm) day on ALL 3 occasions!!! All for free!!!!
Kren Barnes June 25th, 2010, 03:19 PM Hi Harry,
During the consultation, i make sure to explain numerous times how our editing work and that it is at our discretion (with input from the couple) what the final product will look like...It also helps that our samples truly reflect what they can expect in terms of quality and format for their final DVD.
we've never had a problem with approvals since it is outlined from the beginning plus they've booked us based on the work that they've seen..also we include in the contract that they have 7 days to contact us if there is an issue with their DVD...after 40+ weddings so far so good :)
Vertical Video Works | (
Harry Lender June 25th, 2010, 04:04 PM Chris and Kren Thanks so much for you input. I has helped alot.
Philip Howells June 26th, 2010, 09:55 AM Harry, you mentioned the music video - if you're using commercial music remember that posting anything on You Tube or any Internet site with public access constitutes broadcasting so unless you have bought that clearance you could be in trouble.
Harry Lender June 26th, 2010, 02:09 PM Harry, you mentioned the music video - if you're using commercial music remember that posting anything on You Tube or any Internet site with public access constitutes broadcasting so unless you have bought that clearance you could be in trouble.
Thanks Philip;
Got it covered
Chip Thome June 27th, 2010, 12:02 AM Just an opinion Harry, not much more.
I am going to assume you put together something you are proud of, and happy to put your name on. I am going to assume you work until you are satisfied that you are giving the couple as nice a piece as you can, within constraints.
By setting something out there for the couple to critique, you are asking them to rip apart your work looking for flaws and errors.
I'm afraid to say, many will, and unjustifiably so too.
Should you go this route, when you do deliver the finished piece, the couple has already seen it in bits and pieces. You have blown for them the "wow" factor of their first experience of your work because when their first experience happened, they were critiquing it for screw ups, not relishing in reliving the moment.
If you want some critiques and want your work ripped to shreds for the sake of constructive critisism, I am sure you have pals here or other boards who are more than willing to rip you a new one....if you ask 'em to. :-)
Chris Harding June 27th, 2010, 12:52 AM Hi Harry
One thing I forgot to mention is that IF you are emphatic about the bride "approving" the video you are actually inviting them to find something wrong and they often will feel they have let you down if they don't make a few change requests!!
The big issue is the bride that wants everything changed!! That can turn out to be a nightmare for you (even if she is paying you extra!!) Once I changed my contract and explained it to the brides there was never an issue and never a request to change this and change that!!
As Chip says when you are ready to put your name on it, it's going to be good anyway and most if not all brides will be absolutely delighted!! The last thing you need is to be paid $1500 for a simple, small, wedding and then spend the next 3 months doing un-necessary edits!!! Doesn't make for a healthy profit!!
Harry Lender June 27th, 2010, 07:11 AM Just an opinion Harry, not much more.
I am going to assume you put together something you are proud of, and happy to put your name on. I am going to assume you work until you are satisfied that you are giving the couple as nice a piece as you can, within constraints.
By setting something out there for the couple to critique, you are asking them to rip apart your work looking for flaws and errors.
I'm afraid to say, many will, and unjustifiably so too.
Should you go this route, when you do deliver the finished piece, the couple has already seen it in bits and pieces. You have blown for them the "wow" factor of their first experience of your work because when their first experience happened, they were critiquing it for screw ups, not relishing in reliving the moment.
If you want some critiques and want your work ripped to shreds for the sake of constructive critisism, I am sure you have pals here or other boards who are more than willing to rip you a new one....if you ask 'em to. :-)
Hi Harry
One thing I forgot to mention is that IF you are emphatic about the bride "approving" the video you are actually inviting them to find something wrong and they often will feel they have let you down if they don't make a few change requests!!
The big issue is the bride that wants everything changed!! That can turn out to be a nightmare for you (even if she is paying you extra!!) Once I changed my contract and explained it to the brides there was never an issue and never a request to change this and change that!!
As Chip says when you are ready to put your name on it, it's going to be good anyway and most if not all brides will be absolutely delighted!! The last thing you need is to be paid $1500 for a simple, small, wedding and then spend the next 3 months doing un-necessary edits!!! Doesn't make for a healthy profit!!
Hi Chris and Chip:
Your points are very well taken. I think I'll stay with my normal way of doing things just as you have pointed out. Again thank you for pointing out all the pitfalls that could pop up by doing what I was considering.
Danny O'Neill June 27th, 2010, 10:06 AM We deliver to the couple the final product. Giving them some form of a preview they end up watching it with a critical eye as you have asked them to find fault and change things instead of watching it and enjoying it.
We show them a full edit which represents our style before they book.
Lukas Siewior June 27th, 2010, 10:30 AM Danny,
I do exactly the same - when couple comes over to talk details about their video, I always show them already completed project from the past. This way they can see themselves the quality and style of the video. Also during editing I upload on vimeo (blocked with password) 3 samples of the project (usually the "artsy" bits, like preparation at home, photo session and highlight), so the client get's to see it before final delivery. Client is not allowed for any changes which are not technical-related (ie. bad dvd, bad sound, etc). If there are any questions about their guests, I call the couple while edit and let them decide.