View Full Version : nanoFlash Beta 1.6.18

Mike Schell
June 23rd, 2010, 02:04 PM
The new nanoFlash beta code is now available for download at:

This new firmware should fix the intermittent source issues, the previously broken screen tally, and some rare QT and MXF file header issues. The separate file format menu selection has been deleted and is now part of the "File =" selection (under the system menu). To select the file type, simply scroll over to the far right and choose between: MXF, MOV and MPG using the up/down arrow keys.

The code has been extensively tested across hundreds of nanoFlash units, but there is always the possibility that we missed something, so please test. We will continue our in-house tests and hope to release a final version next week.

Please send any bugs/suggestions to cdsupport at


Mike Schell
June 23rd, 2010, 04:26 PM
Regarding the new firmware, I have a couple of more notes to mention:

1) We recommend that you disable the power savings features (Under the System Menu) when using this firmware. We found some conditions that the nanoFlash will fail to lock to the incoming source when coming out of power-down mode. Our engineers are tracking down the problem now.

2) Due to a part supplier problem with our board manufacturer, some nanoFlash units were manufactured with incorrect crystal oscillators (know as VCXO = voltage controlled oscillators). We think this problem is rare, but we are certain a limited umber of nanoFlash units were shipped with these defective crystals.

We added a special test to Vr 1.6.18 to detect these bad crystals. After powering up the nanoFlash, if you see the message: "BAD VCXO = xxxx", then please contact support (by phone or e-mail) and we will work out the details to get your unit repaired or swapped out. This problem can cause intermittent source issues, especially at extreme temperatures. So, please contact us if you see this message.

We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, but we will do our best to get your unit repaired or replaced.

Best Regards-

Adam Stanislav
June 23rd, 2010, 04:47 PM
We added a special test to Vr 1.6.18 to detect these bad crystals.

Mike, is there a way to test this without changing the firmware? I, for one, do not like the idea of changing the firmware ever. Let alone with a Beta!

Mike Schell
June 23rd, 2010, 05:50 PM
Mike, is there a way to test this without changing the firmware? I, for one, do not like the idea of changing the firmware ever. Let alone with a Beta!

Hi Adam-
We just recently discovered the problem and then added the code to identify it. You can always roll-back to previous versions of the firmware after testing with this new code.


Luben Izov
June 23rd, 2010, 06:03 PM
Thank you Mike!
This Beta and the explanations you made are very helpful indeed.
First things first - My NF doesn't show that "BAD VCXO = xxxx" message, so I'll and did a little test just as I got the email from Tommy about the new Beta.
The truth is that I did experience an intermittent source issues with Production Firmware 1.5.126 at 720/24p/30p with Sony PMW-EX3 only in S&Q mode situation (60/24 and 7/30), only when I had prerecorded Media on SxS cards with this settings and attaching NF to record the playback from EX3 via HD-SDI out. I did try several different BNC cables (my own, Olof's, CD's) and they all fail at that time. It wasn't the cables. It was and it is the firmware 1.5.126 that actually fail to record 720p/59 playback from Sony PMW-EX3. After installing the new Beta today the first thing that I try was that. Well, it works with every single BNC cable I have in the office. Great!!, Thank you to all at CD!
I did try it with Prebuffer checked,TC Embedded and Internal, Trigger - TC/Record Button/Record&Remote/Remote Record - unfortunatly I have to use my RMA with CD for my Remote Cable... it didn't work at all. It didn't work with 1.5.126 before either....
I had some shots different framerate and TC breaks in between. The NF did record everything that was played out of the EX3 without a sneeze! Although, the NF screen showed flashing "lost src" until the end of the recordings, but, everything was recorded properly.

I like very much the way the menu is infolding. Very fast ( I had some very slow moments with the old Beta) The way you choose your format is very clever and so far the Prebuffer works flowlessly.
I didn't manage to get the Screen Tally to work (with or without E to E checked) on SmallHD monitor. Any seggestions on that?
So far so good!
I see a huge improvments in this Beta compared to the old Beta and to the Production Firmware 1.5.126!?!
Testing continuing.....
Well done CD

Mike Schell
June 23rd, 2010, 07:15 PM
I didn't manage to get the Screen Tally to work (with or without E to E checked) on SmallHD monitor. Any suggestions on that?


Hi Luben-
I personally tested the Screen Tally on our Dell monitor using HDMI out of the nanoFlash. It worked fine. We have a SmallHD monitor in the lab for testing. Can you tell me the basic settings in the nanoFlash (video format, 3:2 pulldown enabled, etc)? I'll set up and test on Thursday.

Maybe the screen tally bars were cropped out by the Small HD monitor. Can you test on a large screen TV?

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.


Adam Stanislav
June 23rd, 2010, 08:01 PM
You can always roll-back to previous versions of the firmware after testing with this new code.

I have seen too many messages on this forum where people said a beta messed something up and rolling back did not solve the problem. So, I'll just have to hope my nF does not have the problem and leave it at that. I paid too much money to risk changing firmware. I still have the firmware it came with and intend to keep it that way.

Luben Izov
June 23rd, 2010, 08:03 PM
Hello Mike,
The Screen Tally works just fine. The unit that does not work is 2 HDMI cables of mine. I should not keep anything like that.... anyway, the Tally works just fine on all the settings - squeese, stretched, 16:9, 4:3, RED, EX1, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, Full and any Custom settings.
This is very promising Beta so far...
Thank you guys and gals at CD

Jeff Silverman
June 23rd, 2010, 08:14 PM

As this is a beta release, can you tell us the definitive version firmware you feel is most reliable for production use. Can you explain why this is listed as a beta release?

Sorry, I probably should have posted this in the other thread.



Mike Schell
June 24th, 2010, 07:36 AM

As this is a beta release, can you tell us the definitive version firmware you feel is most reliable for production use. Can you explain why this is listed as a beta release?

Sorry, I probably should have posted this in the other thread.



Hi Jeff-
Given the exhaustive testing, I would recommend now using this beta software. Assuming no bad reports from field users, we plan to move this over to "production status" early next week. We want to allow users a few days of field testing, just in case we missed something (a hole in our test plan).


Eric Liner
June 25th, 2010, 09:01 AM

As this is a beta release, can you tell us the definitive version firmware you feel is most reliable for production use.

Hi Mike,

I'd request that you also provide a link for downloading this reliable version.

I'm in Deadhorse, AK and have until Sunday morning to test before heading out to a remote field that point all fiddling needs to cease for me. Hopefully the new firmware doesn't present any issues, but if it does, I need to have an option.


Mike Schell
June 25th, 2010, 09:19 AM
Hi Mike,

I'd request that you also provide a link for downloading this reliable version.

I'm in Deadhorse, AK and have until Sunday morning to test before heading out to a remote field that point all fiddling needs to cease for me. Hopefully the new firmware doesn't present any issues, but if it does, I need to have an option.


Hi Eric-
We'll get it posted on the website this morning.


Mike Schell
June 25th, 2010, 09:55 AM
We just discovered an issue with over/under crank using Vr 1.6.18. Apparently, the new code creates bad MXF and QT files when using this mode. Our software developer is checking into the problem this morning.

Also, as mentioned earlier, we recommend that power save modes be disabled until we can find a fix to the intermittent power-up problem in which the source will not lock. This occurs once every 250 (or so) times we run this test in the lab. So, it's very rare, but it does occur.

We will continue testing.

Steve Brown
June 25th, 2010, 12:57 PM
Mike... if I'm currently using 1.5.126, I should continue to do so until 1.6.18 is released? If I understand correctly, 1.5.249 should not be used, right?

Mike Schell
June 25th, 2010, 02:04 PM
Mike... if I'm currently using 1.5.126, I should continue to do so until 1.6.18 is released? If I understand correctly, 1.5.249 should not be used, right?

Hi Steve-
That's correct, stay with 1.5.126 until new code code is released. Of course, if you have time, any feedback on the new code is always welcome. You can always roll back after testing.

Andrew Stone
June 25th, 2010, 02:36 PM
Mike do you anticipate a relatively short turnaround on the revised beta firmware rolling in a fix for the under/overcrank issue?


Mike Schell
June 25th, 2010, 03:48 PM
Mike do you anticipate a relatively short turnaround on the revised beta firmware rolling in a fix for the under/overcrank issue?


Hi Andrew-
We have discovered the problem and have a fix underway. I would expect a fix by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.


Eric Liner
June 25th, 2010, 06:14 PM
Hey Guys,

Just a quick update. I've been out testing for a good part of the day...I've shot approx 84 GBs and no problems with firmware so far. I've been shooting 1080 60i at 180mbps Long Gop and 220 I-Frame in timelapse mode (triggered with remote switch). All looks good on my end. (btw, nice fix on remote tally light!)

I'll head out again this evening and send an update if I run into any surprises.


Mike Schell
June 25th, 2010, 09:23 PM
Hi Eric-
Thanks for the feedback. The over/under-crank issue has been solved. We should post a new beta early next week. We're still looking for the cause of the power-down no-source problem. So, please turn off the power-save options (under the System menu).


Lance Librandi
June 27th, 2010, 02:22 AM
Hello Dan and Mike,
The new firmware is causing a problem with very server with drop frames when the SDI output is used to feed the Tricaster. I think we have a timing issue rolling back to 1.5.126 the drop frame issue has disappeared.

Mike Schell
June 27th, 2010, 09:36 AM
Hello Dan and Mike,
The new firmware is causing a problem with very server with drop frames when the SDI output is used to feed the Tricaster. I think we have a timing issue rolling back to 1.5.126 the drop frame issue has disappeared.

Hi Lance-
How often does this occur? What's the video format (1080i50, etc). We can test on our HDCAM deck tomorrow.


Lance Librandi
June 27th, 2010, 05:00 PM
Hi Mike,
The video format is 1080i/50, I am not sure at this stage if the dropped frames problem only applies to Tricaster XCD300 when feed via the NanoFlash SDI out or if it happens with other equipment.

Mike Schell
June 28th, 2010, 08:13 PM
Hi Lance-
We checked equipment in our lab and have not been able to duplicate the problem. We will continue to test, but for now, I would recommend staying with the older firmware.


Piotr Wozniacki
July 1st, 2010, 01:20 AM
Hi Mike,

How long do you think will it take to restore the nanoFlash Power Save capability that the 1.6.29 has disabled? With the hardware on/off switch unfunctional, it's now a bit of a problem having to disconnect the power cord each time one stops recording for longer then 1-2 mins. My D-tap connection is already so worked out from those frequent plugging in/out that I'm starting to get intermittent power losses!



Mike Schell
July 1st, 2010, 09:25 AM
Hi Mike,

How long do you think will it take to restore the nanoFlash Power Save capability that the 1.6.29 has disabled? With the hardware on/off switch unfunctional, it's now a bit of a problem having to disconnect the power cord each time one stops recording for longer then 1-2 mins. My D-tap connection is already so worked out from those frequent plugging in/out that I'm starting to get intermittent power losses!



Hi Piotr-
We don't have a date for this fix. We are still tracking down the root cause. We found that under some circumstances the nanoFlash will fail to lock to the incoming source (on power-up), which would result in a lost shot.

The nanoFlash draws about 5 Watts during idle mode. So do you really need to shut down the power if you are only going to stop recording for 1-2 minutes? You might do some calculations on actual battery life.

We'll keep trying to find a solution.


Piotr Wozniacki
July 1st, 2010, 09:42 AM
Yeah, OK - I should have said 10-20 mins breaks, which may add to considerable periods of eating the battery in vain...

Andrew Stone
July 1st, 2010, 03:02 PM
My D-tap connection is already so worked out from those frequent plugging in/out that I'm starting to get intermittent power losses! Thanks, Piotr

Piotr, you may wish to get into the splayed flanges on the connecting posts of your D-Tap/P-Tap connectors with a really small "jewelry" sized screwdriver and spread the flanges a bit wider. If you look carefully the posts are really very small "banana" connectors and will get flattened over time. This should fix your problem. Failing that you can buy replacement P-Tap connectors from B&H or an equivalent pro video outlet in Europe but you have to get in there with a soldering iron. I keep a few replacements on hand should one fail. Unfortunately, like anything Anton Bauer related they are not reasonably priced.

Robin Probyn
July 1st, 2010, 09:25 PM
Yeah, OK - I should have said 10-20 mins breaks, which may add to considerable periods of eating the battery in vain...

Can you not unplug the nano end of the power cable?this is what I the D tap is very stiff and hard to get to .. IDX V plate HDX900.. or is this not a good idea?.. agreed I like to use that power save function

Piotr Wozniacki
July 2nd, 2010, 01:19 AM
Thanks Andrew and Robin, all good advice.

My problem is also that I'm using a special cable Olof made for me, which powers all 3: the camera, nanoFlash, and the LED light from a single D-tap socket of my Switronix 96 batteries. So I cannot replace it that easily (will need to make another one soon).

And the nanoFlash end (the Hi-rose connection) has always been very loose (at least it's a locking type)....

Olof Ekbergh
July 2nd, 2010, 05:00 AM

If the AB D-tap on the cable is wearing out, it is very easy to simply replace the male D-tap connector. It is a simple soldering job. Pretty much any electronic shop should be able to do the job.

I am surprised the D-tap is wearing out. I have some cables that are 20 years old with AB D-tap end, that must have gone through thousands of connect cycles.

It may be the Swit Battery end that is wearing out. This would be harder to fix. I would be interested in what end is wearing.

On my own power cables for the NF I have made a small slide switch that works very well, I use it all the time.

Piotr Wozniacki
July 2nd, 2010, 05:08 AM
Hi Olof,

It probably is the plug, as it's now loose in both my large batteries (of which the newer one has only been used for a short time).

You're right - I don't need an entire new cable; just a new plug and, while I'm modifying it, addition of an in-line switch to the nanoFlash part.

Jeff Silverman
July 2nd, 2010, 06:01 AM

The Hirose connector being loose on the connection between the chassis mount connector and the cable connector is not a worry. We have hundreds and hundreds of those in use and never have had a failure related to that part of the connection over many years in very harsh conditions. It is more likely that the strain relief on the wire side will eventually loosen allowing the wires to twist and break off but that is rare on a properly prepared cable.

Hope this helps on that part of the issue.


Piotr Wozniacki
July 2nd, 2010, 07:32 AM
Thanks Jeff - I can confirm that in spite of not being tight, the Hirose connector never gave me any contact problems.