View Full Version : Suggestions: Best Settings to shoot with less grain

Eddie Hofer
June 21st, 2010, 09:28 PM
Okay so I have had this camera for a few months now but never had that much time to play with it until now. I wanted to know what are the best settings to create less grain during day and night shoots. I've been playing around with it but I keep getting some grain. I thought I'd ask thanks. Besides that the quality is very good.

Ron Evans
June 22nd, 2010, 07:14 AM
Keep the gain below 3db. This may mean that the iris will have to open fully and you will have less depth of field or if you zoom all the way get ramping ( the iris max is different at wide angle and full telephoto). The NX5U is not as good as the consumer Sony's with "R" sensors. My XR500 has a much cleaner image even with a lot of gain. The NX5U is little different to my FX1 as far as grain goes.

Ron Evans