View Full Version : Learning my nx5

Andy Loos
June 17th, 2010, 09:47 AM
How can I get warmer colors with this camera, its seems as though the colors are very soft. I have been reading other posts in this forum, but cant figure out how to get warmer colors.
Is there a dvd yet for this camera to learn it better?

Alan Yu
June 18th, 2010, 02:36 PM
I don't think there are any training DVDs for this camera yet since it's so new. But a lot of what works with other Sony cameras will work for the NX5 too.

Try out the different stock picture profiles. The last two in particular seem to boost saturation levels noticeably.

Tom Hardwick
June 19th, 2010, 09:31 AM
The best way is to HDMI your NX into a big TV and use that as your viewfinder. If possible point the camera out into the sunshine and have it on a tripod. With those variables taken care of, do as others have suggested - toggle through the very deep menu options to see what you like the look of.

When doing this it's always good to keep your eyes on the highlights and shadows. An initial, 'wow!' factor might just be a simple crush at both ends (contrast up), whereas a black stretch is much more pleasing overall.

I too would like to have a Mastering the NX5 DVD, and I'm sure there's one in the pipeline.
