View Full Version : Looks, Cross Fade and Crashing

Paul Curtis
June 15th, 2010, 01:22 PM
Firstly i thought i'd posted this on a thread in the cineform forum but it was in the Premiere one and i don't know that all the right people check that forum. So huge apologies for posting this here but it would be incredibly useful if cineform users could try this out to see how widespread it is. At least two of us are seeing this.


Brett and anyone else...

Some steps to reproduce.

Create a new project and a three sequences. one cineform preset and two xdcam presets.

Import two cineform files and the same original files (XDCAM)

Add the cineform files to the cineform sequence, apply a crossfade and MBL to one of the clips
Add the cineform files to one of the XDCAM sequences, do the same
Add the XDCAM files to the XDCAM sequence, same again

First observation. Without the MBL the XDCAM/XDCAM sequence plays back realtime through the dissolve. Anything with cineform in does not play back realtime whilst dissolving between two clips.

Now preview the three sequences

XDCAM/XDCAM previews perfectly, no problems
CINEFORM/XDCAM previews and then at about 90% PPro hangs
CINEFORM/CINEFORM previews until the beginning of the dissolve and crashes PPro. With visual studio the only info i can find is an exception thrown with a parameter not being expected but i can't tell where, why and who.

The first observation is weird. Surely cineform should be able to stream two pieces of video together realtime? It's coming off the same drives as the XDCAM. I mean i suppose that could be bandwidth limited and perhaps needs more testing on my part (i think the source is off a single drive in that case). Not too worried at the moment because it's not crashing.

But the interaction with cineform, MBL and cross fade is worrying and i believe Brett is also having this problem.

If i take MBL away from the equation:

XDCAM/XDCAM runs realtime.
CINEFORM/XDCAM stutters but forcing a preview works okay.
CINEFORM/CINEFORM requires a render over the dissolve and then during playback freezes at the beginning of the dissolve and from then on fails to render ANYTHING until a restart of the machine (not just PPro)

If i take the cross dissolve out but keep MBL in: Then all 3 sequences will render and play.

Here's where it gets interesting

Now focusing on the CINEFORM/CINEFORM timeline i add a cross dissolve back in, so the timeline has three parts first clip MBL, the dissolve section, the last clip clean. Because i'd rendered just the MBL previously when i add the cross dissolve it renders fine, it just had to render the cross dissolve section. If i clear the preview files and force a complete preview, bang, PPro crashes just as it gets to the dissolve section. There's a dialog R6025 pure function call comes up before the crash.

Then it's a restart PC.

Now i'm using the normal PPro cross dissolve, the one flagged as real time. I tried the above with the cineform dissolve but it crashed in the same way.

This should be fairly easy for others to test and i would hope give the cineform guys something to look at.

Brett Munoz
June 15th, 2010, 03:12 PM
I will be trying this once I am home. I also put a ticket in with Cineform.

Brett Munoz
June 15th, 2010, 06:37 PM
Just received response from Jake. He told me to try turning Windows user account control all the way down to never notify. Will be trying later this evening.

Paul Curtis
June 16th, 2010, 01:22 AM
Brett, yes Jake mentioned that to me and i have it all the way down, hasn't made a different for me
