View Full Version : Flash XDR Next Firmware Release?

Mark Job
June 14th, 2010, 09:20 AM
Hi Dan:
When's the next firmware release for the Flash XDR ? We're currently @ 1.5.55.

Dan Keaton
June 14th, 2010, 05:47 PM
Dear Mark,

I do not have a good estimate, but my best guess is next week.

We have been testing the release and found some problems that we need to fix.

I will attempt to learn more tomorrow.

Your 1.5.55 is the same as the current nanoFlash production version 1.5.126.

Mike Schell
June 16th, 2010, 07:36 PM
Hi Mark-
We have not forgotten our Flash XDR users. We're debugging a number of issues on the nanoFlash now, but almost ever improvement will port directly over to the Flash XDR. We'll try to get an XDR update out as soon as the new nano beta is released.


Mark Job
June 16th, 2010, 07:52 PM
Hi Mike:
OK. Thank you for the acknowledgement. I am glad to learn you haven't forgotten us XDR users. I look forward with anticipation to the new release :-)

Mark Job
June 25th, 2010, 08:50 AM
Hi Mike:
Perhaps now that you have released a successful firmware update for the Nano, we XDR users will be receiving out firmware update ?

Mike Schell
June 25th, 2010, 09:29 AM
Hi Mike:
Perhaps now that you have released a successful firmware update for the Nano, we XDR users will be receiving out firmware update ?

Hi Mark-
Yes, this should be finished shortly. We are continuing to test the nanoFlash code first. The test list is unbelievable long, especially when you consider all the video formats, bit-rates, CODECs, file formats, record modes (over/under-crank, time-lapse, pull-down removal), inputs (SDI, HDMI, analog audio), A/V sync, timecode sync, time-code sources, trigger sources (embedded, remote, etc), and so on and so forth.


Mark Job
June 25th, 2010, 09:47 AM
Hi Mark-
Yes, this should be finished shortly. We are continuing to test the nanoFlash code first. The test list is unbelievable long, especially when you consider all the video formats, bit-rates, CODECs, file formats, record modes (over/under-crank, time-lapse, pull-down removal), inputs (SDI, HDMI, analog audio), A/V sync, timecode sync, time-code sources, trigger sources (embedded, remote, etc), and so on and so forth.

Best-...Hi Mike:
Our Recorder will only do 3 things very well we hope. Record uncompressed, record compressed, and do time lapse. You folks are light years ahead of my little project. My recorder is half the size of a Nano btw, but now some other company has a little Mp4 recorder - but it cost $10,000.00 !!

Mike Schell
June 25th, 2010, 03:51 PM
...Hi Mike:
Our Recorder will only do 3 things very well we hope. Record uncompressed, record compressed, and do time lapse. You folks are light years ahead of my little project. My recorder is half the size of a Nano btw, but now some other company has a little Mp4 recorder - but it cost $10,000.00 !!

Hi Mark-
Half the size of the nanoFlash...I am impressed! It took me many months to cram everything inside the nanoFlash box.

Mark Job
June 25th, 2010, 09:41 PM
Hi Mark-
Half the size of the nanoFlash...I am impressed! It took me many months to cram everything inside the nanoFlash box.Hi Mike: I think you would be even more impressed if it actually worked ! So would we ;-)

Aaron Newsome
July 6th, 2010, 12:41 PM
Are there any reports on the latest XDR firmware? The forums have been kind of quiet for XDR firmware updates. I'm still running a very old firmware and I'm curious if the new update is successful.

Awaiting comments....

Dan Keaton
July 6th, 2010, 06:14 PM
Dear Aaron,

We hope to have a Flash XDR firmware release next week.

You may wonder why there have been more nanoFlash releases than Flash XDR releases.

We have to striving to achieve "Rock Solid" reliability.

In order to get what may be the last of our reliability problems (time will tell), we were using literally hundreds of nanoFlashes to test our firmware.

We had quite a few nanoFlashes in our labs running tests, and we had around 50 nanoFlashes at a time running tests while the nanoFlashes were being heat cycled.

These 50 nanoFlashes would be replaced by another set of 50. Every single error was analyzed, then if it was related to a hardware timing issue, we kept working on the firmware until even these marginal units would work with our firmware.

What is not obvious, is that we do not have 70 or so Flash XDR's in stock to perform these exhaustive tests. Thus we were using nanoFlashes.

As soon as we finish the firmware testing on the Flash XDR's, we will release the new firmware.

We firmly believe that this exhaustive testing, attempting to find every problem, no matter how elusive, has paid off.

We have not had any reports of "Interrmittent Source" or "File Corruption" or any similar problems.

We are aware of some tweaks that we need to do concerning timecode, but these do not affect the reliability of the unit.

To be perfectly clear: If you have a nanoFlash, we wish for you to upgrade to 1.6.29.

Aaron Newsome
July 7th, 2010, 08:42 AM
Hi Dan. I'm very encourage to hear the exhaustive testing that is happening with the CD boxes. I'll standby and wait for a rock solid release of new XDR firmware.

Mark Job
July 7th, 2010, 09:28 AM
Hi Dan:
Yes indeed, it has been awhile since we XDR users have had a new firmware upgrade. I'm sorry, but I don't understand how testing on Nano Flashes will insure "rock solid" firmware upgrades running on another product (Flash XDR) ? I understand the software is similar between both models, however, my greatest concerns do not reside in the addition of new features, (Although new features are welcomed and appreciated) rather, in bug fixes and malfunction corrections. I'm not sure sure I understand how you can test for those by using a different model of recorder, since some malfunctions could be model specific.
Or are you saying the software running on the Nano Flash is not simular, but *Identical* to the software running on the Flash XDR. (??)

Dan Keaton
July 7th, 2010, 09:58 AM
Dear Mark,

The code base for the nanoFlash and the Flash XDR are one, in fact they are identical.

The difference lies in the physical hardware differences between the two units, so we use conditional statements in the code to select the particular sections of code which must be different between the two devices.

Mark Job
July 8th, 2010, 08:22 AM
Hi Dan:
OK. Understood. Since we're dealing with *Identical code,* then the CD QC tests using Nano Flashes should work well. It wasn't clear to me that the code shared between the two different SSDR's was identical.

Nic van Oudtshoorn
July 12th, 2010, 10:24 PM
I am having an Intermittent Video Source problem with the XDR connected to an original XL-H1 while running the latest firmware. I note the new Nano software addresses this problem. I am doing a major shoot next Monday and am wondering if the XDR upgrade will be ready before then (fingers crossed!)

Once again let me express my appreciation for the way in which you are constantly upgrading the firmware without cost to your customers.

Mark Job
July 17th, 2010, 11:24 AM
Hi Dan:
I have a big dollar industrial video shoot this coming Friday, and I was wondering if we will have the latest firmware release for the XDR before our shoot on Friday ? I would like to naturally take a day and test the latest firmware to make sure it's OK BEFORE I go out on a dollar shoot with it. Please advise.

Dan Keaton
July 17th, 2010, 04:36 PM
Dear Mark,

At this time, I do not when if we can meet your deadline or not.

Mark Job
July 31st, 2010, 11:57 AM
Hi Mark-
We have not forgotten our Flash XDR users. We're debugging a number of issues on the nanoFlash now, but almost ever improvement will port directly over to the Flash XDR. We'll try to get an XDR update out as soon as the new nano beta is released.

Best-...Uhhh - yeah. Well, I am starting to become concerned that it's all over for us Mike, since us XDR users have watched all the firmware attention pass by us for the Nano Flash, but nothing for us XDR users. So what's up with the latest firmware release Mike ? Where is it ? Is there something wrong ? Is there nothing more we XDR users can look forward to ? Your last word quoted above was issued six weeks ago ! Please advise.

Dan Keaton
July 31st, 2010, 01:36 PM
Dear Mark,

We re-wrote the code that interfaces with the CompactFlash cards.

We have to re-write the same interface for the Flash XDR.

Nic van Oudtshoorn
July 31st, 2010, 11:00 PM
Good to hear you are working on it - any idea when the firmware update might be available?

Nic van Oudtshoorn
August 15th, 2010, 09:58 PM
Dear Mark,

I do not have a good estimate, but my best guess is next week.

We have been testing the release and found some problems that we need to fix.

I will attempt to learn more tomorrow.

Your 1.5.55 is the same as the current nanoFlash production version 1.5.126.

Hi Dan

This was several weeks ago! Any idea when we can expect the next firmware upgrade to at least bring the XDR in line with the Nano?

Mark Job
August 16th, 2010, 07:42 AM
Hi Dan

This was several weeks ago! Any idea when we can expect the next firmware upgrade to at least bring the XDR in line with the Nano?Hi Nic:
Yeah, I've begun to seriously wonder if we're going to get anymore firmware releases for the XDR at all. As an XDR user, I'm feeling pretty much like the unwanted step son of the family (Or the crazy Uncle ;-) )

Dan Keaton
August 16th, 2010, 08:17 AM
Dear Mark and Nic,

We will be updating the Flash XDR firmware.

Our project to update the Flash XDR firmware has been delayed by some rush projects that we have not discussed on this forum.

Aaron Newsome
August 17th, 2010, 03:48 PM
It seems it's been a really long time since the XDR users got any kind of firmware update. I'm anxious to test out the new release so I'll be patiently waiting for it, along with the rest of the XDR users.

Ofer Levy
August 23rd, 2010, 03:54 AM
Am I the only Flash XDR user who feels cheated? I spent 6000 USD not that long ago on a device that was supposed to be a flagship. How can it be that such an expensive device is left out neglected with all of us just being ignored?

Dan Keaton
August 23rd, 2010, 06:44 AM
Dear Ofer, Aaron, and Mark,

I know that it has been a long time since we updated the Flash XDR firmware.

I hope you will take into consideration the magnitude of the project.

The nanoFlash has one FPGA. The Flash XDR has two.

For version 1.6.29, for the nanoFlash, we completely rewrote the code handling the CompactFlash cards.

This interface is quite complicated.

Since the Flash XDR has two FPGA's, one which comunicates with two CompactFlash cards, and a secord one to communicate with the other two, the project to update the code is more complex.

Once we get this part of the project finished, then we should be back on track updating both products at about the same time.

Mark Job
August 23rd, 2010, 06:47 AM
Hi Dan:
Let us hope that after all this time, the updates, bug fixes, features, and changes to the XDR will be significant and well worth the wait. The longer it takes, the higher my expectations.

Mark Job
August 23rd, 2010, 08:22 AM
Am I the only Flash XDR user who feels cheated? I spent 6000 USD not that long ago on a device that was supposed to be a flagship. How can it be that such an expensive device is left out neglected with all of us just being ignored?Hi Ofer:
Don't worry Ofer, if you look to the far Right side of this thread title, you will see the number of views has reached 1,486 ! Those views are not all us Ofer. Unfortunately the grand majority of Flash XDR owners do not make regular posts on this forum, so we don't know for sure exactly what they think about the firmware update situation, or anything else, but you can be sure they are *Lurking* around comfortable to let us run interference for them ;-) Their lack of posts have created a false sense of the true number of ownership of the Flash XDR product. Although I do not believe Flash XDR's have sold in the quantities that the Nano Flash has, there is certainly more than 100 units out there !

Nic van Oudtshoorn
August 30th, 2010, 06:39 PM
I am starting to seriously doubt this. Please surprise me with an update, not more promises!!!!!!

Mark Job
August 30th, 2010, 07:19 PM
I am starting to seriously doubt this. Please surprise me with an update, not more promises!!!!!!Hey Nic: I feel you ! I'm trying very hard to be patient.

Mark Job
September 8th, 2010, 07:06 AM
Dear Dan:
Could we XDR users please get an update on a (possible ?) firmware release ?

Dan Keaton
September 8th, 2010, 08:15 AM
Dear Mark,


1. The next Flash XDR release is currently going through quality control testing.

2. We will release it as soon as possible.

3. It has been in-test for some time now and if we do not find any problems we expect to release it this week.

4. It is our goal to release this Flash XDR release prior to the next nanoFlash release.

5. We are also testing a new nanoFlash release simultaneously.

If we find a problem with the Flash XDR release that is not in the nanoFlash release, then the nanoFlash release may be posted first.

6. This next Flash XDR release will bring the Flash XDR up to the same feature level as the nanoFlash, taking into consideration the hardware differences between the two units.

Mark Job
September 8th, 2010, 08:56 AM
Dear Dan:
OK. Thanks for the update. I will be looking forward to this release.

John Richard
September 23rd, 2010, 08:10 AM
Any news on XDR firmware release?

Dan Keaton
September 23rd, 2010, 09:04 AM
Dear John,

We have held this up for a short while to include some more features.

We have been working on supporting Canon's XF cameras. This is the major project that we have not discussed before.

With the new release, one can record a CompactFlash card in one of the new Canon's cameras and play it out via the Flash XDR or nanoFlash.

The nanoFlash or Flash XDR can be used as the deck for the new Canon's cameras.

We are finishing up "Hot Swapping" for both the nanoFlash and Flash XDR.

And we are adding configuration files (profiles).

We have added Image Flip (Vertical), Image Flop (Horizontal) and Image Flip+Image Flop.

And, of course, the Flash XDR firmware has been brought up to the level of the nanoFlash.

The code is looking real good and our current plans are to release this code next Friday, October 1, 2010.

Piotr Wozniacki
September 23rd, 2010, 09:16 AM
Very nice, Dan!

How about the Power Save mode?

Dan Keaton
September 23rd, 2010, 09:39 AM
Dear Piotr,

Sorry, but no, not yet.

John Richard
September 24th, 2010, 09:59 AM
Thanks Dan for the update on the XDR.

I can only imagine the headaches of deciding when to release a firmware update/upgrade.

... "ok, we're good to go - wait, looks like feature xxx is solid - maybe we should wait with releasing the firmware and include feature xxx .... wait, maybe we can synch the nano and xdr firmware releases again .... wait, we need to be sure we run the battery of testing one more time ... etc,etc"

Thanks for keeping the XDR firmware in the loop.

And bring back the XDR as an available model - definitely has it's advantages. With the large new CF cards, who needs hot swapping with a 4 slot XDR ; > } just a joke - don't flame me

Mark Job
September 27th, 2010, 12:18 PM
Hi Dan:
I am so looking forward to this new update ! I agree with John, but I'm actually serious ;-) !

Mark Job
September 28th, 2010, 08:08 AM
Hi Dan:
I have observed the Time Code display intermittently blinks off and on at a very fast rate between the message "NO TIME CODE," and displaying the running numbers. The TC signal is actually there in the video file itself, because Avid says it is, but upon playback in the XDR , the running TC display blinks of and on. It's really annoying and it makes it impossible to read. This anomaly is not present during the Record process. Is there a fix for this in the upcoming XDR release ?


Dan Keaton
September 28th, 2010, 08:52 AM
Dear Mark,

This is due to a quirk in our firmware.

We are displaying the timecode (during playback), and displaying the fact that we are not receiving timecode from a camera or other timecode source.

But, since the Flash XDR or nanoFlash is playing back, we really do not need to be connected to a camera, nor need the timecode input to be present.

Thus, while the message is accurate, it is not really necessary.

Mark Job
September 28th, 2010, 09:22 AM
Hi Dan:
OK. Understood. This makes sense. Is there any way to correct this ?

Dan Keaton
September 28th, 2010, 03:34 PM
Dear Mark,

We will have to change the firmware so it only puts out this message during recording.

But, at this time, this is a reasonble way to determine that the unit is not receiving timecode, and thus not ready to record (if timecode is important).

Of course, this was not planned, it is just an accident as far as I know.

Mark Job
September 28th, 2010, 05:08 PM
But, at this time, this is a reasonble way to determine that the unit is not receiving timecode, and thus not ready to record (if timecode is important).
...I don't follow you. (??) During record my XDR auto locks to the incoming TC and video frame signals being fed to it from my Canon XL-H1. If, for any reason, I lose either the LTC input signal, or the HD-SDI video input signal, then I automatically receive an error indication on the XDR menu screen, and my XDR will not go into record mode until this condition is repaired. I'm not sure I follow you why you need to TC display to *Blink* rapidly upon playback ??? In fact, I am happy to report that the TC display is normal during all record procedures as I stated before. I literally have to look away from the TC display when I playback takes for the producer, since this rapid blinking nearly gives me an epileptic seizure if I look at it too long ! If there's anything which could be done about this, then I would be most appreciative. Also, I hope something can be done for the excellent XDR display window menu script size. I really like the XDR's menu design, but I'm having a great deal of difficulty reading the display, as the characters are very small. I know this may sound like nit picking, but I have found this to be a big deal in production situations when I have to make a menu setting changes rapidly on the spot. I hope you can understand this ?

Dan Keaton
September 28th, 2010, 07:46 PM
Dear Mark,

The "Missing Timecode" warning message should not display during playback.

It is a quirk, and an accident.

We will remove it from playback as soon as we can.

I will look into the script size on the Flash XDR display.

To change this we will have to manually redesign all of the characters.

Mark Job
September 28th, 2010, 08:29 PM
Hi Dan:
OK. Understood. I hope I wasn't asking for too big a change. Sometimes you request something not having any real idea how big a deal it is the programming to change. I like the script font and layout style Convergent Design is using for the menu system on the XDR. I hope you folks can make it a little larger. I love the hour glass thingy used to indicate the XDR is Recording. If you could make that 3 sizes bigger, then it would be wonderful. I know that's probably a picky thing on my part.

There was a playback thing as well, which CD may have already fixed in this upcoming release. (??) Sometimes (Not always), when I hit play, I always get the picture, but I don't always get the sound. Sometimes I get the sound as well, but it's screeching and popping at me. Other times when I press Play I get both picture and perfect audio, and this audio will play perfectly through all four cards until the last file is reached. ??????? I have a theory about this, but since I am not a CD technician I do not know if I am correct. The playback from the XDR anomaly may have something to do with how the XDR reads and writes the data to the CF media, but I do not know if this is so. You had written in an earlier post some weeks back about changing the Nano Flash code in the way it reads and writes data to the CF cards. Perhaps this issue may have resolved itself if you have included this new code in the port over to the next XDR firmware release ??

Aaron Newsome
September 30th, 2010, 01:29 PM
New firmware tomorrow!

Mark Job
September 30th, 2010, 01:34 PM
Hi Aaron:
Maybe not ? Tommy found some anomalies in the code at the last minute, so it maybe held back until they can double check a few things. Personally, I don't really mind at this point, because it's been so long that another week or two while they fix and check stuff will not make much difference. I would rather they took the extra time if they really need to and iron out any kinks Tommy may have discovered in Quality Control.

Dan Keaton
September 30th, 2010, 02:18 PM
Dear Aaron,

As much as we would like to release the firmware tomorrow, we found some problems in our testing.

These are some very basic things that we have done since day one, and we should be able to fix them, we just need some extra time.

This is a major release and we have incorporated many new features so I hope everyone will be understanding.