View Full Version : Is the HM100 a noisy camera?

Amos Garcia
June 13th, 2010, 12:57 PM
Hello everybody.

Congratulations for this forum, it´s very interesting. Sorry, but I don´t speak English very well

Recently I´ve purchased the HM100, I´ve been shooting video and I´m a bit concerned because the images seems to be very noisy in all light conditions.

I´ve purchased Tim Dashwood´s DVD and I´ve set the camera following his instructions (f.e. reducing the detail setting from 0 to -8). Also I´ve test at 720p instead of 1080p, I´ve shoot in manual mode, Gain: 0 Db0, Lolux disabled, etc.

I´ve compared it with my old JVC GZ-HD-3, and the HM100 is clearly more noisy, is this possible?. Also I´ve test the 5D Mark II and the results are incredible! (no noise in the 5D)

I am an amateur and I don´t know if there is a problem with my unit or the HM100 is really so noisy. Perhaps I am doing something wrong?

Can you help me?. I don´t know if I must send it to Technical Service.

Thank you very much.

Best regards.

Colin Rowe
June 14th, 2010, 04:08 AM
I have had an HM100 for just about a year, never noticed excessive noise. The camera has been used several times alongside an EX1, and it holds up very well, Try putting it in full auto, and check the noise levels in different lighting conditions.

Sam Young
June 20th, 2010, 08:00 AM
I have quite a bit of noise if I am in low light and turn the gain setting to medium or high, but otherwise it is fantastic. If the hm100 can one day produce low noise images like my Nikon D700, I will be a happy man. :)

Rob Katz
June 20th, 2010, 10:10 AM

thank u for adding to the conversation.

when u say you added medium and high gain, was that +9 and +18 gain?

when i ask about the gain, the amount of gain is adjustable (+3, +6, +9, +18) which values are then assigned to the low (default 0 gain) medium (default +9 gain) or high (default +18)

did you assign gain values or go with the defaults?

additionally, can u please describe the low light situation?

i ask because i'm trying to get a sense of the hm100's iso/asa (using 35mm still camera language).

thanks in advance for sharing any insights.

be well

smalltalk productions