View Full Version : solution for burning AVCHD to DVD-R on Mac OS X?

Drew Wallner
June 13th, 2010, 12:57 PM
Would anyone care to share their preferred method for doing this? I would really like to get away from Roxio, I think I've had too many "last straw" moments with Toast at this point. I was just reading about RevolverHD from Shedworx, anyone used it?

In case anyone's curious, my camera shoots full 1920x1080, my Mac is running 10.6.3 and my playback device is a Playstation 3.

Predrag Vasic
June 13th, 2010, 08:34 PM
I haven't had any serious issues with Toast. So far, the resulting Blu-ray DVD-R discs have been consistently playable and reliable. I don't do much with it, though, but nonetheless, the 'last straw' scenario is definitely not that familiar with me.

Outside of Toast, there aren't that many options; you have Adobe Encore (part of CS5 Production Suite) and that's pretty much it.

If anyone else knows of any other Blu-ray authoring solution for AVCHD content, this would be the forum to disclose their experiences.

Rick Llewellyn
July 11th, 2010, 08:26 AM
I too have no problem with using toast. Edit in FCP, compress audio and video in Compressor, then use Toast to multiplex the video and generate the BD file. I always tell Toast not to recompress and save to a file rather than write to an optical disk. For some unknown magic reason, I couldn't get Toast to reliably not recompress when I went directly to optical disk. I generate both DVD media BD disks and BD media BD disks using AVCHD without any problem.

I will say, I hate the extremely limited menu structure.


Dave Partington
July 23rd, 2010, 05:14 PM
FCP ==> Compressor ==> DVD Studio Pro for DVD.

FCP ==> Compressor ==> Encore for BD (if I want fancy menus and better navigation control)


FCP ==> BD directly (for simple BD)


FCP ==> Compressor ==> BD directly (for simple BD)

You can also use the above workflow to write the BD file system to HDD then burn the file system to a DVD-R is you want HD video on DVD. Realise you won't get a full length movie doing this ;)

Drew Wallner
July 27th, 2010, 02:21 PM
FCP ==> Compressor ==> DVD Studio Pro for DVD.

FCP ==> Compressor ==> Encore for BD (if I want fancy menus and better navigation control)


FCP ==> BD directly (for simple BD)


FCP ==> Compressor ==> BD directly (for simple BD)

You can also use the above workflow to write the BD file system to HDD then burn the file system to a DVD-R is you want HD video on DVD. Realise you won't get a full length movie doing this ;)

Thanks for the heads up! Since I use FCE, I didn't realize that FCP now had BD export/burn capability. I have what may be a naive folowup question. I own CS4 but didn't install Encore because I thought all it could process was DVD content. If I go grab my discs and install it, would this workflow be possible, or do you need CS5 to do BD content authoring?

Robert Young
July 28th, 2010, 01:14 AM
Adobe Encore CS4 does Blu Ray like a champ :)
Just select Blu Ray when the New Project window comes up.
When you get ready to burn and are on the "Build" panel, be sure Blu Ray is selected on the pull down instead of DVD.