View Full Version : CS4 Freezing

Bergen Brown
June 12th, 2010, 09:34 AM
Looking for a solution to this problem. Below are the steps used to create issue. NEO 4k (Neo4Kv503b259-100604), Premiere Pro CS4 4.2.1, Windows 7 64 bit, i7, Quadro FX 1800.

Using SI-2k media (2048x1152, 23.976 fps, Progressive). Here is the current setup in CS4: Startup CS4; Pick new project; Accept New Project screen as is, name CrossDissolve-CS4v3. There is no cineform preset; so, use General Tab. I've tried Desktop and CineForm for Editing Mode; 23.976 fps; 2048x1152; No Fields (Progressive Scan); 24fps Timecode. If you use Desktop, then choose I-Frame Only MPEG for Preview File Format; With CineForm use CineForm AVI. Sequence Name: CrossDissolve.

Load your two SI-2k clips. Set in/out points and drop them in the timeline. Play back sequence; everything should be fine.

Now go to video transitions: Choose CineForm Dissolves=>Cross Dissolve 32-bit. Drop the transitions between the two clips. Try to playback. Normally the clip plays to the dissolve and then hangs and your session in Premiere is pretty much over. You will get the semi-transparent white screen over the project and you usually have to kill premiere.

I set up this same project in CS5 and it worked correctly, NOTE: In CS5, I used the cineform project preset that matched my footage. Now you might ask, why don't you pull your CS4 project into CS5. I've tried that and it freezes during import. Film is near completion. If I could find a way to safely import to CS5 and keep the current edit, I would be happy to try that.

One final note, the film works as is using Prospect 4K, but because of an OS reinstall and not understanding the deactivation process, I have but 2 days left with my Prospect 4K.

Thanks for your consideration.

Bergen Brown
June 14th, 2010, 11:23 AM
I am really disappointed that I can't get a response to resolve this issue even if for a temporary time period. My helpdesk ticket was started on 5/29. The last response from cineform was on 6/8.

Has anyone else seen this issue? Is the issue being worked on? Can I get temporary access to my copy of Prospect 4K so I can complete my project?

Thank you.

Jack Kelly
June 14th, 2010, 12:47 PM
I'm experiencing a very similar sounding problem.

My system:

NEO 4k (Neo4Kv503b259), Premiere Pro CS4 4.2.1, Windows 7 64 bit, Xeon Quad Core, 4GB RAM.

One big difference between our configs: I get my problem when using the Premiere cross-fade (not Cineform's cross-fade).

I'd tried downgrading back to Prospect HD ProspectHDv430b240-100312 but that doesn't seem to fix the problem.

Ray Parkes
June 14th, 2010, 10:51 PM
Has anyone else seen this issue?

I have a ticket in for the same problem and I am sure it is being worked on. I resolved one issue by cleaning out all the Cineform files then reinstalling the latest update. I can now work in CS3 but CS4 shows black and dies if I use any transition or effects.

Sorin Pricop
June 15th, 2010, 05:15 AM
It seems that i have the same problem. I thought is the Windows that makes this ... because my system is pretty low end.
I have XP SP3 with 3GB of ram and cs4 + neo v5. Transitions stall the CS4 to the point of having to kill it. Not only transitions though - sometimes the Adobe premiere pro just not responds ...
This happens only since i installed neo V5.
Could be a bug / unspecified problem in Premiere Pro linking to Cineform data that is creating this ?

Bergen Brown
June 16th, 2010, 08:21 PM
Just received Neo4Kv504b261-100615 from Jake. This version fixed my issues in CS4 and so far without much testing seems to be functioning in CS5.

Thanks cineform.

Sorin Pricop
June 16th, 2010, 10:58 PM
I confirm - all troubles that i've had dissapeared since i've installed the new release:


Everyone should install it ...