View Full Version : "Maui Revealed" - Canon 7D

Shaye Scott
June 9th, 2010, 09:20 AM
Hey guys,
Im new to the forums. Im enjoying the work im seeing here! I just finished putting together a short film of my recent trip to Maui with my wife.

50mm 1.8

CC: Magic Bullet

Not a Vimeo Plus member so no HD unless you click on the link above the video I guess :/
Maui Revealed on Vimeo

Chuck Spaulding
June 9th, 2010, 01:30 PM
Beautifully done, there were some great shots. It certainly made me wish I was in Maui.

This is a bit nit-picky but watch your horizon line, on several shots it was crooked. The only other thing, and this is just my opinion, I'm getting tired of MB Looks, its getting way over used and in your case I'd be willing to bet it did more harm than good.

A lot of the highlights were blown out and the mid-blacks where up, so some it if appeared a bit washed out. Your footage screams out to be color corrected with Color or Synthetic Aperture (AE). It looks like your original footage was rich and vibrant and I don't think that came across well using Magic Bullet.

Don't get me wrong, overall I really liked this.

Great job.

Shaye Scott
June 9th, 2010, 02:50 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I shot this all hand held and didn't think to much about my horizon line. I'll certainly be more aware of that in the future. As far as coloring with MB I think you'd be rather surprised how flat and dull it looked before grading it. The reason being is that I shot this all with super flat settings on my camera intently for a more cinematic look to be created in post....but perhaps I went to far with it.

Thanks again for taking the time to watch this. I appreciate your helpful and well thought out insight.

Chuck Spaulding
June 9th, 2010, 06:25 PM
Hi Shaye,

Its easy to fix the horizon line, just zoom in about 10% and rotate it. You can also use SmoothCam in the video filters.

When I first started shooting with the 7D I started shooting with Super Flat, if you color grade in Color you can really punch up the colors and bring it back to life. Although it appears that SF preserves more latitude, I didn't like the way it looked. I ended up just modifying one of the presets and I like it much better.

Super Flat works well, you just have to tweak the crap out of it...

Is it hot in St George yet?