Mark Job
June 8th, 2010, 05:38 PM
Hi Friends:
Whenever a Hollywood studio archives a feature film and stores it for prosperity in a specially environmentally controlled vault, the format almost always chosen is the 5 perf 65 mm Eastman Type II color negative one. This is no accident of course ! There is an exhaustively long list of reasons why one would want to use this motion picture format. I will only attempt to point out a few of the merits of this jaw dropingly astounding "Mount Everest" of all movie formats.
Did you know ?: Most original film based 3 D was photographed using two Mitchell FC (Fox Camera) 5 Perf 65 MM Rackover motion picture cameras mounted on a special rig at 45 degrees to each other using a special prism. Walt Disney Imagineering used a custom designed Haynes Lab rig with their (Now Very Rare) Mitchell FC 65's to shoot all of their theme park 3D attractions, including Captain EO with Michael Jackson.
Did you know ?: The two ultimate motion picture formats which Roger Ebert referred to in his recent article about 3D are *both based on the use of 5 perf 65 mm motion picture film technology ? Why ? Douglas Trumbull's famous *Showscan Process used 5 perf 65 MM film running at 60 fps. At 60 fps the film grain becomes velvet and pretty much disappears while all live action movement becomes ultra fluid. The temporal fluidity of the filmed action becomes life like in a way which has to be seen to be understood.
Did you know ?: One hollywood feature film *was filmed in this process for several of the sequences, but the studio got nervous about the experimental nature of the process and forced the producers and its director (Douglas Trumbull) to only release in 35 mm Anamorphic. The name of the film was *Brainstorm, and all of the visionary sequences recorded by the movie story's special VTR were filmed in 5 perf 65 mm @ 60 fps. What was supposed to happen in theatres was a sudden screen expansion on cue along with a sudden shift in projection speed from 5 perf 70 mm running @ 24 fps (The whole Brainstorm movie was filmed in 5/65 MM btw) to 60 fps. Those who have actually seen the Showscan version of this picture with the 60 fps sequences presented, have said the effect was so utterly astounding that it defied explanation ! These effects created an experience never before extent in a Hollywood movie. Cinema Products of Hollywood (A now defunct camera equipment company) was commissioned by Showscan to design a studio silent reflex shooting camera system for this format by the late great camera engineer Ed DiGiulio. The camera was known as the CP 65 Showscan camera.
Did you know ?: The 5/65mm motion picture format offers 4.2 x the available negative area compared to Anamorphic 35 mm.
Did you know ?: Real IMAX is based on the use of 65 mm motion picture negative running through the IMAX camera.
If Hollywood uses 5 perf 65 mm motion picture film to store and archive all of their feature films (Including those originated in digital), then why not also employ 65 mm negative film for original live action acquisition ? 5/70 mm exhibition is by far the brightest, steadiest big screen motion picture format ever created (Super Panavision 70, Super Panorama 70, Todd AO 70, Ultra Panavision 70, MGM Camera 65)
Why settle for $120, 000.00 US fuzzy and dark digital 3 D, when we can have huge screen, bright and ultra sharp 5 /70 MM prints. The projectors cost about $5,000.00 a piece and are easily repaired and maintainable. If a $120K Dollars 3D projector breaks, can you get it back up and running in 20 minutes ? How long does the bulb in a $120K 3D digital projector cost and last versus a Xenon lamp in a 5/70 MM projector ?
Whenever a Hollywood studio archives a feature film and stores it for prosperity in a specially environmentally controlled vault, the format almost always chosen is the 5 perf 65 mm Eastman Type II color negative one. This is no accident of course ! There is an exhaustively long list of reasons why one would want to use this motion picture format. I will only attempt to point out a few of the merits of this jaw dropingly astounding "Mount Everest" of all movie formats.
Did you know ?: Most original film based 3 D was photographed using two Mitchell FC (Fox Camera) 5 Perf 65 MM Rackover motion picture cameras mounted on a special rig at 45 degrees to each other using a special prism. Walt Disney Imagineering used a custom designed Haynes Lab rig with their (Now Very Rare) Mitchell FC 65's to shoot all of their theme park 3D attractions, including Captain EO with Michael Jackson.
Did you know ?: The two ultimate motion picture formats which Roger Ebert referred to in his recent article about 3D are *both based on the use of 5 perf 65 mm motion picture film technology ? Why ? Douglas Trumbull's famous *Showscan Process used 5 perf 65 MM film running at 60 fps. At 60 fps the film grain becomes velvet and pretty much disappears while all live action movement becomes ultra fluid. The temporal fluidity of the filmed action becomes life like in a way which has to be seen to be understood.
Did you know ?: One hollywood feature film *was filmed in this process for several of the sequences, but the studio got nervous about the experimental nature of the process and forced the producers and its director (Douglas Trumbull) to only release in 35 mm Anamorphic. The name of the film was *Brainstorm, and all of the visionary sequences recorded by the movie story's special VTR were filmed in 5 perf 65 mm @ 60 fps. What was supposed to happen in theatres was a sudden screen expansion on cue along with a sudden shift in projection speed from 5 perf 70 mm running @ 24 fps (The whole Brainstorm movie was filmed in 5/65 MM btw) to 60 fps. Those who have actually seen the Showscan version of this picture with the 60 fps sequences presented, have said the effect was so utterly astounding that it defied explanation ! These effects created an experience never before extent in a Hollywood movie. Cinema Products of Hollywood (A now defunct camera equipment company) was commissioned by Showscan to design a studio silent reflex shooting camera system for this format by the late great camera engineer Ed DiGiulio. The camera was known as the CP 65 Showscan camera.
Did you know ?: The 5/65mm motion picture format offers 4.2 x the available negative area compared to Anamorphic 35 mm.
Did you know ?: Real IMAX is based on the use of 65 mm motion picture negative running through the IMAX camera.
If Hollywood uses 5 perf 65 mm motion picture film to store and archive all of their feature films (Including those originated in digital), then why not also employ 65 mm negative film for original live action acquisition ? 5/70 mm exhibition is by far the brightest, steadiest big screen motion picture format ever created (Super Panavision 70, Super Panorama 70, Todd AO 70, Ultra Panavision 70, MGM Camera 65)
Why settle for $120, 000.00 US fuzzy and dark digital 3 D, when we can have huge screen, bright and ultra sharp 5 /70 MM prints. The projectors cost about $5,000.00 a piece and are easily repaired and maintainable. If a $120K Dollars 3D projector breaks, can you get it back up and running in 20 minutes ? How long does the bulb in a $120K 3D digital projector cost and last versus a Xenon lamp in a 5/70 MM projector ?