View Full Version : HD7 Screen Dead - Found the reason why.. (pics)
Marty Mulholland June 7th, 2010, 08:27 AM So the screen had been flickering and tonight gave up the ghost completely... this is a HUGE bummer on this camera as it relies on the screen to get through the menu system
first, an establishing shot (i've heard they are important)
And the culprit, the flat wiring has gotten tight from HEAPS of use and started to snag on the swivel mechanism, its hard to see from that shot but the tear goes into the first 3 conductors...
not sure what step to take next, i'm guessing i need to find the local JVC repair guys as i doubt i'll be able to find this part myself
Chris Soucy June 8th, 2010, 12:59 AM Yep, that's toast alright.
Can't see any realistic way (of repairing it) but getting JVC to replace the connector strip, tho' if the camera is still within warranty, I'd re - assemble and deny all knowledge if they ask.
Exceedingly brave of you to dismantle it in the first place, good on ya mate!
Don't think any NZ No. 2 fence wire is going to be much help in the circumstances. Shame, we use it for fixing everything else here.
Good luck.
Dave Blackhurst June 8th, 2010, 01:20 AM If it's anything like the Sony part, should be about $25, and since you're already stripped down to bones, the remaining labor shouldn't be a big problem.
Common failure point, flexible cable that just gives way and breaks some or all of the connections.
Marty Mulholland June 8th, 2010, 09:17 AM Camera is well and truly out of warranty, it was purchased the first few weeks they were available in Aus. I bought it off a friend so he could upgrade to HM100 (which i'm also looking at doing)
I've disassembled a lot of electronic equipment having worked repairs on computers and in electronic shops over the years - that said i'm not technically 'qualified' by anyone to do it.
Interesting experience at the repair place today. The Lady at the desk said that they don't normally sell parts direct to customers as they have to warrant the parts. She said she'll look into it and was perfectly nice. Then a younger guy who was listening to this conversation and asked me "if i was a technician" and "did i really pull it apart?"
he didn't seem too impressed but i wasn't going to start a competition there, i just hope the part isn't stupidly expensive!
now that i know how it's put together i could quite confidently replace the part
one interesting thing that he DID say was that they can calibrate everything on the camera... I'm not sure if i'm totally sold on that... anyone got any ideas what exactly it is they could calibrate?
Dave Blackhurst June 8th, 2010, 02:54 PM Marty -
There are probably calibrations and adjustments if you have the service manual (you might want to find one if you keep the cam - I've found them for Sony cams on eBay), but normally aren't done unless you're dealing with the lens/CCD block or maybe the tape mech.
Like anything else, if you have the time, tools, and skills, you CAN work on your own stuff (and when the cost of repair exceeds replacement cost, the "risk" is minimal). I prefer to "DIY", as I know it gets done right, but it's not always successful, and sometimes may be less than economical. I happen to have "the knack", and generally don't worry about that silly "no user serviceable parts inside" label, but I realize that not everyone shares that! Then again I was taking stuff apart (and mostly re-assembling...) shortly after being out of diapers, building model kits at 4, toxic glue and everything... etc. (and my kids were changing batteries in their own toys at 18 months... it's genetic).
I think the average "repair place" doesn't want ANYONE to think that repair is possible or even remotely feasible for "mere mortals". Frankly, they're probably right, as the odds favor that the first few patients will suffer untimely and permanent demise while "on the table", even for the experienced, as these micro-electronic items are not exactly designed for easy service! I have a "morgue" here... with a "mostly dead" section... but havent' "bricked" anything lately, tap on small SMC components!
If the repair place won't supply, try to source direct from the manufacturer (Sony has "parts direct" for us in the states, I Googled "JVC parts" and got a starter list). I don't know if it's harder to get stuff where you are, but if it is, post your progress and perhaps there is another way to get a part to you... the flat ribbon cable would "ship" in an envelope, so you may not need to source locally.
From experience with the similar Sony part, once you have the trick down on detaching the ends of the cable and reinserting the new ends, the biggest hitch is getting the new part "wound up" exactly right - at least it looks like from your pix that JVC doesn't do the "psycho-origami" tricks that Sony does - their part has THREE smaller cables which you have to fold and overlay "just so".
You've got 'er to "bones", and if you've done repairs before you should be able to get it back together with only a couple screws left over <wink>! I've taken to having a P&S camera on my bench, and shooting each step of the strip down so I can figure out where everything is supposed to go!
Marty Mulholland June 22nd, 2010, 05:36 AM well, i ordered the part, the JVC shop weren't exactly happy about it, but it was about $39 all up... and my camera is as good as new! (even though it looks a bit shoddy)
i wont bother with a full walkthrough but here are a bunch of pics for your perusal...
Dan Bentel July 9th, 2010, 09:37 AM Wow, nice job!
Dave Blackhurst July 9th, 2010, 08:48 PM Lots easier than the origami cable in a Sony, congrats on joining the "people who do things not normally recommended and succeed" and the "I fixed it myself" clubs!
Just remember kids, don't try this at home... <wink>!
John Nantz September 23rd, 2010, 03:29 PM I'm really impressed! Like you, I'm a bit hands-on but not near as much. When I was a kid I got to take apart my parents old wind-up clocks but never got them back together!
What I learned from this article was how to remember where the screws go. Saw the screw diagram and that's a great idea. I've always used something like a bowl, small cardboard box, or the like, but often screws will have a different length, or something. The screw (and by extension, other parts) diagram idea really helps solve that problem.
I've also used a camera to take pictures as I dismantle something. Sometimes I don't get enough, though. What seemed obvious at the time sometimes turns out to not be so obvious.
Another thing I learned: try not to flex the flip-out viewfinder so much!
Nice series of pictures!
Status of my project: still trying to get the *.TOD files into iMovie HD6.
Marty Mulholland September 23rd, 2010, 05:17 PM John after shooting hundreds of hours of footage on the HD7 for fast turnaround
the absolute best workflow i've found is shooting 1440cbr -> create playlist -> go to playback playlist screen -> hit right on the stick --> open iMovie 09 and import that way
its FAST and makes quicktime compatible files that look decent
John Nantz September 24th, 2010, 02:13 PM Thanks for the information about using 1440cbr and sending the files to iMovie '09. It just so happens that I also have '09 on my computer but I got, and was using, iMovie HD6 because it would work with the *.tod files in Full HD.
My plan is to maybe make a video that would fill a niche market that I can sell so I wanted to go with the highest definition possible. Many of the flat-screen TVs are in the 50-inch and larger size now and FHD would look the best. However, importing the files into HD6 has been a real struggle to learn. I actually did it a few times and went so far as to edit and burn a DVD but I lost my notes.
JVC support is great as far as support for the camera goes, but it totally stops when it comes to iMovie. "That's not my job." This is like the government salute: Cross both arms in front and have the right finger pointing left, and the left finger pointing right.
Apple no longer supports HD6 so that is a pain. One is left to the various bulletin boards where feedback can be slow to non-existent, and in my case, the latter.
This is my second post - the first one never got posted for some reason. Maybe I took too long to write it.
Thanks for the workflow diagram to go to iMovie '09. I'll save it because I like the fact it seems to be easier. It may be a bit of a pain to learn a new video editing program but I can do it. At least I think so.
This time I'll save what I wrote before submitting the reply - just in case. And just wait and see - now I won't need lt!
Marty Mulholland September 24th, 2010, 06:06 PM G'day John,
Thats fair enough you want to to full HD, i think iMovie 09 IS super fast for editing and takes about one day to learn... the added bonus is you can export XML that final cut will read
i'd bypass imovie 06 totally as its getting old and cumbersome and either use 1440cbr (i cannot pick the difference in quality) or use mpeg streamclip to convert them to a more apple friends codec
just takes some experimenting
John Nantz October 12th, 2010, 01:37 PM It has been just so busy lately and I haven't had time to play around with the camera. However, last weekend I took some video in 1440cbr and I'll give it a try using iMovie '09.
There should be a new term for taking video using digital instead of film. Somehow "footage" just doesn't seem to fit when one is recording using "bytes".
And all these younger people who have probably never touched a roll of film - how can they relate to footage?
Marty Mulholland October 12th, 2010, 04:49 PM habit i guess... i'm from the audio world and rarely use the term 'record to tape' which is the same
it's always 'to disk'
i dont like the word 'footage' reminds me of feet
John Nantz October 13th, 2010, 02:18 PM So far, so good. I've got the recent video shot in 1440cbr saved to a Play List. However, getting this onto the computer isn't working.
Question: There are two main outputs on the camera, (1) iLink and (2) USB mini or micro. There is also the other one, HDMI, for sending signal to the TV but I'm not counting that one.
The last time I captured camera video files onto the computer I used the iLink cable; however, I didn't bring it with me. I forgot it. I do have a USB cable that connects the USB mini to the computer but I can't seem to figure out how to transfer the files.
In your step-by-step did you assume iLink was used? If so, I'll have to buy another one.
If you used USB then can you expand a bit on the nuances with regard to transferring the Playlist? I've got a folder set up but the only thing in it right now is 18 seconds of the computer's on-board camera which is looking at me. Not a lovely sight! Fortunately, it didn't break anything. ;-)
Marty Mulholland October 13th, 2010, 05:06 PM the ilink (firewire) setup is specifically for dubbing
USB works only as file transfer and with JVC's own software
if you want to use the imovie 09 method you 100% need a firewire cable
John Nantz October 14th, 2010, 02:41 AM Thanks for the answer Marty.
What really irks me is I thought I brought my Fire Wire cable along but apparently it didn't get packed so I'll have to buy another one and they aren't cheap. Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and buy another one.
Before viewing this thread just prior I saw another thread that went something to the tune of "And another aussi joins the forum", or something like that. I couldn't resist and went to post an experience I had with a bunch of Aussis in New Zealand, South Island, and had it all written then hit Submit Reply and it got "lost". Maybe when I have more time I'll re-write it but sometimes when you put things in writing some people take it differently than when you speak it., so maybe I won't after all.
I'll work on trying to find a fire wire so I can go to the next step with this.
John Nantz October 24th, 2010, 01:29 PM Marty - this is an update. The good news is that progress has been made. I bought a FireWire cable the day before yesterday and transferred some Project (in iMovie '09 terms) video files to the computer.
For info, I believe the video files were taken in 1440cbr although I don't remember it saying so anywhere. A subsequent video I took a few days ago definitely had "1440cbr" in a little red box on the flip-out viewfinder.
Anyway, going back to the "Project" video, I edited it complete with transitions between clips and titles. The whole thing is now sitting on my MacBook hard drive. That's the good news. Well, maybe *kinda* good news. It's filling up my hard drive! and to me that's bad news.
There are a couple things I'd like to do:
1) Get the darn thing OFF my computer's hard drive and, say, onto a Passport drive (I've got a 500GB one available), and,
2) Get it off the camera's hard drive.
It would be nice to transfer or copy it to the Passport drive with all the associated files so, just in case, I may be able to edit it some more later on, but that's not a must-do criteria. It's more important to clear up space on the computer's HD because I've got another video to work on.
The video "Project" file is a *.m4v file. Need to keep trying to use the iMovie terminology.
One other thing. The Project video resolution on my screen didn't look like the sharpest in the world. Don't know if that is the way it is supposed to be or if somehow the video got degraded. I was going to "Export" the file and it gave a list of options, including one which was highlighted at 960 x 540. Don't know if this was a "default" size or whether it was highlighted because of something else, like that's what the video is in. Everything I've been taking up until just recently has been FHD. The camera is now set for 1440 and I believe this is what the video was taken in.
What would be your suggestions from here - especially in getting the files off the computer and camera?
I'm ready to go forward!