Jerry Jesion
June 7th, 2010, 07:35 AM
This may be a bit off topic but I am interested if anyone has any experience/recommendations of a conference type mic for use with Skype. I periodically attend meetings which attempt to use Skype (audio only) and the computer mic just doesn't cut it. Anyone have any suggestions? Price point a few hundred $$.
Thanks in advance,
Jay Massengill
June 7th, 2010, 08:28 AM
It would depend on how simple the setup needs to be and how much area (podium, conference table, training room) needs to be covered.
There's a very wide range of USB audio mics and interfaces that would be an improvement over the computer's mic. It would just be a question of picking one that would be simple enough for untrained participants to use without too much effort, in a form factor that would work for the mic placement, with the correct sensitivity to cover the subjects reasonably well.
You can search online music supply stores for USB Microphone, or for USB mic interfaces or cables that allow you to use your own regular mic (depending on power requirements).
You can also look at specialty sites like Sound Professionals to get an idea of products they have for purposes like court reporting.
Again anything is likely to be an improvement as long as the operator knows enough to select the new mic in the operating software.
Jerry Jesion
June 7th, 2010, 08:36 AM
There usually are 10 or so attendees sitting around a conference table. I would be there to set it up, at least for the first time. What I am looking for is a USB type mic.
Ike Tamigian
June 7th, 2010, 08:47 AM
You may want to look at the Zoom H2 Handy Recorder with its 4 built in mics and configurations(for instance front back). Works very well as a USB Audio interface for Skype. <$200
Jay Massengill
June 7th, 2010, 09:30 AM
Ike is correct, I forgot to mention that most audio recorders can also function as USB interfaces using either their built-in mics or external mics.
In the conference table application with 10 people, I would generally use an omni boundary-layer mic.
There are some USB omni boundary layer mics, but I haven't personally used one. I would be more likely to use a regular omni boundary layer mic connected to a USB audio interface since I have those already and I'm familiar with their audio quality.