View Full Version : Have now seen an XL1 in person!

September 14th, 2001, 03:53 PM
Hi all!

Well I have started my work experiance at this post production house, and despite having DigitalBetaCAM decks there costing thousands they still use a XL1 to get data off a miniDV.

I was able to pick it up and look at it in person. It is MUCH bigger than I expected. I am now keener than ever to purchase one.

I cant wait!


John Locke
September 18th, 2001, 01:48 AM
Careful, Mark... an XL-1 and you'll be hooked for life! Then next will come the relentless pursuit of accessories and gizmos!

But it's worth it.

September 18th, 2001, 12:40 PM
Hi there!

Yeah I saw the quality of a MiniDV shot on an XL1 and it was GREAT! I was looking at the video signal on one of thoes Sony pro monitors that are at the Post Production house that I work at.

Yeah I would be hooked.


September 21st, 2001, 05:00 PM
The XL1s has not hit New Zealand yet... I will hopefully be able to buy it from a supplier rather than a shop and get around another markup.
