View Full Version : Helen and James - gorgeous couple, cool venue!

Richard Wakefield
June 4th, 2010, 01:15 AM
Hi all

Been pretty busy lately with various projects and life in general, but wanted to at least share one wedding clip with y'all!

n.b. apologies for using this over-used song, but i can't deny i love it no matter how many times i hear it!!

Helen and James - Wedding Highlights on Vimeo

(using 7D and XH-A1 ... and my next edit is all-SLR, can't wait to edit that!)

thanks alot

Monday Isa
June 6th, 2010, 05:44 AM
Very nice piece here Richard. Good mix of the two cams. Good flow through the highlight piece. Some over exposed segments but I wasn't there to see how difficult the shooting conditions were with rain and sun. Thanks for sharing.