View Full Version : SD cards in CF adapter ?

Steve Oakley
June 1st, 2010, 11:44 PM
has anyone tried using SD ( class 10 / 16 or 32gb name brand ) cards in a CF adapter ? I'm considering upgrading my 550D to a 7D, and would like to use my basically new cards. I also want just ONE type of media card so I can use them in which ever camera I need - the GoPro HD, EOS, audio recorder, ect.

Chuck Spaulding
June 2nd, 2010, 01:23 PM
I use an SD adapter in SxS cards for the EX3 and it works great. But I haven't seen anything like that adapter available for the DSLRs. Do you know of one?

I'm not sure of the costs difference between the SD and CF cards, probably not as compelling a difference between SD and SxS, but I can certainly see the need if you have a mix of 550D and 7Ds.

Kin Lau
June 2nd, 2010, 03:51 PM
I've tested a class 6 card in my 7D with a SDHC->CF adapter, and it did not work well for video. The buffering indicator came up right away, and recording stopped within a couple of seconds.

Timothy D. Allen
June 5th, 2010, 01:13 PM

Do you know which adapter it was you used? I've seen a few different ones and have been wondering if they would let me record video.

Philip Hinkle
June 5th, 2010, 02:26 PM
has anyone tried using SD ( class 10 / 16 or 32gb name brand ) cards in a CF adapter ? I'm considering upgrading my 550D to a 7D, and would like to use my basically new cards. I also want just ONE type of media card so I can use them in which ever camera I need - the GoPro HD, EOS, audio recorder, ect.

I also got an adaptor for SD to CF to try a Class 6 16gb card I had for a previous camera. And like the other poster it didn't work. After some research I think I learned that Class 6 SD card was not fast enough for the data rate of the 7D but a class 8 or 10 may be fast enough. I haven't gotten one yet to try. If the 550D is indeed writing to class 6 cards successfully then I may have learned bogus information.

One poster mentioned the cost difference between SD and CF cards may not be that much to justify going that route but big SD cards are much more readily available at big box retail stores than CF cards are and it seems when they do have CF cards they really jack the prices on them more than SD cards. For the convenience it would be nice have both options.

Steve Oakley
June 5th, 2010, 02:57 PM
well my main thought was just having one media card type... all my Sd cards are class 10. one thing I guess is that CF cards run faster, unless you want to spend a lot of $$$ for super fast SD cards. could be worth it if you shoot a lot because the dump times on the cards are slow with SD, even with a good SD card reader.

Mike Peterson
June 5th, 2010, 06:19 PM
I think it would be best to just bite the bullet and get a handfull of CF cards, dump and reuse.
I hate having two differant kinds of media but I just keep the CF cards with the 7D in its case

Kin Lau
June 7th, 2010, 08:14 PM

Do you know which adapter it was you used? I've seen a few different ones and have been wondering if they would let me record video.

I got it off ebay, it's a recent model that can handle SDHC cards.

SDHC to CF does require some over-head, it's not just a pass-thru system, so that will kill performance some. A class 10 card _might_ be okay, but I don't have any Class 10 cards.