View Full Version : T2i white balance question

Bruce S. Yarock
June 1st, 2010, 09:32 PM
I've added a 7D to my arsenal and have been shooting with it a lot during the last six nonths. I'm about ready to buy a 2nd cam, and have been thinking about a t2i instead of another 7d. One of the main concerns I have with the t2i is the lack of kelvin option for wb. Someone told me that you can adjust kelvin on the t2i, but only in a menu. Is this true? Kelvin adjustanbility is very usefull when I'm doing a 2 camera shoot ( interviews, fo example) with challenging mixed light situations.

The other concern is the lack of seperate shutter and iris wheels. For video, that's not a problem, but for shooting photos, I like to have the 2 seperate controls.

Right now I keep my 7d on a Marksphoto bracket, ready for tripod or shoulder rig. I wanted to use the 2nd cam for both video and photo.It's hard to justify an extra $800 for the 7d, but I just might go trhat way.
Any thoughts?
Bruce Yarock

Leonard Levy
June 2nd, 2010, 05:00 PM
You don't have Kelvin temp adjustments on the T2i but I don't find the aperture shutter speed a big deal. Its a little slower than the 7D though. You have one dial for both -Default is shutter - when you hold down an "Aperture" button on the back the dial switches to aperture. No big deal.

I found a way to make Kelvin type warm cards for the T2i that I'm thinking of selling if I can figure out a way to sell downloads over the web.

Bruce S. Yarock
June 3rd, 2010, 01:37 AM
I agonized over the choice, and yesterday decided to go with another 7d. I couldn't really afford it, but really wanted the 2nd cam to be exactly like the first, My reasons are:

1- I really need to be able to move quickly, especially on 2 cam interviews, etc. This way, I can use the same exact settings on both cameras and be confident that they'll match.

2- Though shutter speed really doesn't change while shooting video, I also shoot some photo events. I need seperate wheels for iris and shutter, and would find the lack of that feature ( along with no kelvin) to be cumbersome. Before I switched to canon, I shot with Nikons ( d80 and d200) and couldn't imagine not having seperate shutter and iris controls.

3- I've also been experimenting with multi cam situations using the 7d, my A1 with the Letus extreme, and the Canon H1. Having a 2nd 7d will make this an easier task.
Bruce Yarock

James Donnelly
June 3rd, 2010, 06:51 AM
2- Though shutter speed really doesn't change while shooting video, I also shoot some photo events. I need seperate wheels for iris and shutter, and would find the lack of that feature ( along with no kelvin) to be cumbersome. Before I switched to canon, I shot with Nikons ( d80 and d200) and couldn't imagine not having seperate shutter and iris controls.

Honestly, it becomes second nature to use the exposure button as a shift key, but if you need kelvin WB, makes sense.

Khoi Pham
June 3rd, 2010, 07:14 AM
One thing might help you make up your mind, my T2i overheat faster than my 7D, 7D had never overheat on a job, only at home testing with old firmware, but my T2i overheat at a job before so now I will have instant ice pack available just in case, but everything on the 7D is better except for the LCD, T2i is a little sharper.